DNA Testing Ancestry
Overwhelming Family Tree Research Video Goes Viral
Where are you from? It’s an easy question with a lot more complex answer than you might expect.

67 random people from all over the world found out in a powerful brand new video clip from international travel agency Momondo where their forefathers actually come from! This video is such a powerful message, that it made me feel like I have to write and tell you about! Enjoy this brilliant video, wait for the reactions of most people at the end, see how overwhelmed the participants burst out in tears.

Prior to interviewing the group, the participants had to spew in vials to get their DNA tested. Then the participants were asked about their specific histories and heritages.
Every person seemed to know all about their ancestry family trees and anticipated the inquiry outcomes would certainly reveal absolutely no surprises.
“I’m 100 percent Bengali” a man claimed of his very own history.
“I’m French, my parents are French, both my grandparents were French, so I am 100 % French” a lady stated.
A British guy claimed he wasn’t too keen on people from Germany, he actually said, he hates all Germans due to his own personal experiences. ( look at his face when his ancestry DNA results came back )
A Kurdish woman stated that she disliked Turkish, swiftly clarifying that she pointed that out toward the Turkish government.
Weeks later, the group came back together. In front of the 66 other participants, each opened up the envelope that revealed the truth of where they were from… Their reactions told it all!
Now, let’s have a look at this moving video ‘The DNA Journey’
- It’s easy to think there are more things dividing us than uniting us. But we actually have much more in common with other nationalities than you’d think. If you dare to question who you really are, head over to to WIN your own DNA journey: a DNA kit and the chance to visit every single country you’re from. The film was shot in Vega, Copenhagen, Denmark, created by &Co and produced and directed by Bacon, Jeppe Rønde.
The British guy found out that in addition to being 30 percent English, he was 5 percent German!
The Kurdish woman was surprised by the fact that she had Turkish heritage. Everyone was surprised and moved.
“This should be compulsory,” the French woman said after seeing her results. “There would be no such thing as extremism in the world.”

Momondo began the project by co-operating with another research company Cint who published a global survey of 7,200 respondents, including 400 from the US. The survey results show that as many as 6 out of 10 Americans believe their ancestry can be traced to a maximum of 3 countries.
“In a way, we’re all kind of cousins, in a broad sense,” one of the interviewers stated in the video.
I firmly believe this is a great thought and a fantastic approach to work on our attitudes toward ‘foreigners’, the lack of acceptance and commitment and even more to stop international crime against humanity. It might be just an illusion for now, but should we not all at least try to do our very best to make a little change for a better co-existence one fine day?
I hope, well I am actually almost sure about, this video will touch you and make you ponder as much as it did to me. How could it not… the family tree research clip was published only 3 weeks ago and has been viewed almost 6 million times, which keenly speaks for itself. Thanks a lot for reading, please feel free to share this post widely in order to create awareness!
Cheers Klaudia
title image source: Flickr ( public domain CC0 free to use)
Wow. This made me tear up. I just received my DNA report from Ancestry.com and was surprised at my genetic makeup. Having the information makes me want to do more research and learn more about who I’m connected to. This video, and accompanying article, really made me appreciate how we all are truly connected. I never really appreciated that before.
Oh , wow Damia , that is really amazing ! Have you done the test ? And would you not like to tell about ? Maybe create a new post ? That is really exciting , did you expect the result as it came ? Thanks a lot for reading and leaving your exciting comment !
What I know is that I am part chinese, part spanish and part filipino. It will be interesting though to know if this is accurate or if I have any other ancestry. I think this test should be offered to all and made available to everyone.
Denice , If you head over to the YouTube channel , there is a link to 500 free DNA tests they are giving away ! I don’t know if there are still any tets available , but if you’d really like to do that test , just check on that !!! Thanks a lot for reading
I loved that video. I did the DNA test and was also surprised by what I learned. I am French and German and English and Irish as I’ve always grown up knowing. But I’m also Scandinavian. A little North African. A little SE Asian. And a wee bit Middle Eastern.
I’ve seen this video before and it really made me cry. It’s amazing to realize how we are all connected. It also made me curious about who my ancestors are because apart from my grandparents, I really don’t know much about the history of my family. I think it would be interesting to find out.
What an interesting video! I am also curious about my ancestry but I am pretty sure my grandparents are Spanish. How accurate is this, btw?
Wow, that’s amazing! I especially like the story about the anti-German Brit discovering he was German. I have been told certain things about where my family comes from, but we’ve all been in the US a really long time, so who knows for sure. I would like to try this!
Yeah Stella , I was laughing as well when that guy got to know , he’s had german blood . I think it is a really interesting experiment , it would be amazing if only a hand full of nowadays racists would start rethinking ! Thanks a lot for coming over 🙂
I hadn’t actually thought much about my ancestry but this caught my attention.
I found it fascinating and impressive that I want to try it by myself. Lol. At the same time, quite nervous on what would the result be. I guess it’s a good sign that the video has been getting a lot of attention that might reflect how people want to lessen discrimation. 🙂
100 % agree with you Jessica , I think as well it could give a little push into the right direction . Thank you for reading !
This was mind blowing and such an eye opener to how interconnected we all are.
Love how those participants reacted with the results of the testing. i wonder then if I submit myself to such test, would the results bring amazement or confusion.
A very curious video! Must say, it’s so interesting to know your origin from decades. Thank you for sharing this, as I wasn’t aware of the clipping. Very interesting read!
Thanks a lot Sriparna , yes it is very impressive to see ! The idea , anybody could be your cousin … strange , isn’t it !?
Wow, what an interesting experiment. I would love to do more research on my own family’s ancestry. But I’m not sure if I would do it via DNA Testing. I know where my grandparents are from, but their parents came to the United States when it was one big melting pot of cultures.
Hi Megan , actually I love this mixture of cultures , makes us all richer , not in a material meaning tho . Yes , I agree , I found that as well a very interesting experiment , the reactions of the participants are priceless. Thanks for reading !
I’m always intrigued by DNA testing. I’ve never done it but this post is extra interesting considering some of the people who went through the testing did not like certain cultures or places.
My children want to do this! I do also. I know it will be very interesting!
so interesting and complicated for me actually. I found out as a teenager that who I thought was my grandfather actually wasn’t my biological grandfather, ah yes family secrets, which was how I found out of my german roots. I may look into this.