Some Thoughts On Relationships – A Life Shared or Just 2 Individuals?

A Motivational Thought of the Day on Relationships 

A Motivational Thought Of The Day

A Life Shared or Just Two Individuals?

It almost, almost isn’t fair that we are built in such a way that we want relationships. We actively sign ourselves up to go through the joy, misery, pain, heartache, and love that are natural side effects of entering into a union, for however long, with another person. There are books and books you can read on the subject, but really, what can they know about you as an individual? Your insecurities and desires are your own.
A Motivational Thought of the Day

Do you jump in headfirst to be with another? Is it better to share a life, or to stay as an individual? We take a look at the pros and cons of each side, and how you can walk along that path.

Coming Together

You were clearly drawn to each other for one purpose or another, and you simply must have some overlapping interests. Is it the outdoors, or being culture vultures? If you know that you have a good time with one another, then is there anything that you can’t do together?

A Motivational Thought of the Day
A motivational thought of the day on overlapping interests ..

Enjoying one another’s passions brings people together because everyone loves sharing the thing that lights them up with another person. If your partner is heavily into DIY, look for a project you can work on together. You could make a table and chair set, or a coat rack or light fixture – here are the reviews for the top 5 tig welders to get you started. Or it could be another cooking together, making good food, then enjoying it together.

Finding Out Your Passion

Coming together can bring many wonderful experiences that make life worth living. But every new relationship advice you may find will tell you the same, it becomes a problem if you’re too dependent on your partner’s passions, and not finding out YOUR passion! There is nothing wrong with doing everything together, so long as both people in the relationship are bringing something to the table.

A Motivational Thought Of the Day
A motivational thought of the day on finding out your passion ..

For example, if you’re waiting at home for your partner to get back before you start doing stuff, then you’re being claimed as dependent. That might be fine for a while, but the cracks will eventually begin to show, and when it’s over you won’t have developed anything for yourself. You’ll be all at sea. It’s imperative that you cultivate your own interests and hobbies; they can always join you in them, but they must come from yourself, to begin with.

How You View Relationships

Ultimately, you have to discuss with your partner how you view relationships. They might see it another way entirely. Some people prefer to be individuals, and see a relationship as one of balance, an extension of the life they already have. They’ll never compromise who they are just to be in a relationship.

A Motivational Thought Of the Day
A motivational thought of the day on how you view relationships ..

Others can only enter a partnership if it’s absolute, it’s all or nothing. Before you get too deep into a blossoming relationship, it’s important to talk about how each of you sees the role of a relationship. You might not like where it leads, but it’s much more important to be up front early on because a mismatch will eventually reveal itself.

Be open to compromises, be honest and play fair but also make sure you won’t lose yourself in a relationship!

A Motivational Thought Of the Day On Relationships
A motivational thought of the day by

Thank you for supporting me and my humble attempts to become a decent author, I truly appreciate that!

Take good care of yourself





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Melanie Sparks
7 years ago

It is a wonderful idea to get clear on expectations before getting into a relationship! Saves much heartache.

7 years ago

This is a great post! I definitely agree that it is so important to have your own hobbies, and to just sit down and talk! It is so easy to lose yourself when you spend so much time with one person. Having your own journal, hobbies, and other things in your life can help with this I truly believe!

Jordan Schleider
7 years ago

Relationships are precious and your thoughts on relationship are really great. Thanks for sharing your great insights.