Goal Setting Examples & Strategies – Why Goal Setting Is The Secret To Recovery

Goal Setting Examples & Strategies

Why Goal Setting Is The Secret To Recovery

Whether you’re recovering from addiction, injury, or mental health problems, or even just trying to lose weight, a personal goal setting based program is best. Its basis is entirely in positivity, celebrating achievements, and looking forwards. Your personal goal setting spurs you on to your next target and gives something to look forward to. There is no room for berating yourself when things go wrong; you just keep plodding on, with the target up ahead.

Goal Setting Examples And a Few Questions to Ask Yourself

1.Where do you want to get to?

When you’re recovering from anything, you’re going to have an end goal in mind. Maybe you want to walk down the aisle at your wedding in two years time or you’d like to be able to go back to work full time? Just wanting to be able to go out for a drink without craving a cigarette? Any goal is valid, but you need to be certain what it is.

Goal Setting Examples & Strategies
image source  Beyonce’s personal goal setting strategy

2. How long will it take to get there?

At this point, it’s essential to be realistic. If you set yourself unrealistic goals, you’re only going to disappoint yourself repeatedly. Take advice from medical professionals who will be able to predict your recovery rates. Avoid doing the tempting thing of moving your deadline forward. This is all about making long-term, sustainable changes. If you rush recovery, a relapse becomes increasingly likely. Once you’ve got your end goal time frame, you can start to dream up your intermediary steps and stages to recovery.

image source  Don’t set unrealistic goals in life if you want to  make sustainable changes

3. What stages will you encounter along the way?

There are many different stages to recovery. Maybe you want to regain movement in a damaged limb? Perhaps you want to see someone take responsibility for causing your injury? If you’re hurt because of someone else, the resulting compensation claim could be a positive goal in the process. At the Dolman Law Group and other personal injury firms, it is treated as a stage in your recovery process, not just another claim. If you’ve been wronged by someone, getting the compensation can be closure, and allow you to move forward with your life.

Goal Setting Examples & Strategies
Goal setting examples & strategies through the different stages to recovery

Other intermediary stages could include finally feeling comfortable throwing away any remaining addictive substances, starting gentle exercise, or being able to get out and see friends more. They’re entirely up to you, but the point is that they have to be things you can celebrate along your journey. You need to give yourself time frames for the smaller stages. These can be weeks or months, but again, be realistic.

4. How would you like to celebrate?

Finally, how are you going to celebrate both the little victories and the major victory? Many people hold big celebrations or go out for a romantic meal when they hit their goals in life. Smaller victories can be celebrated with a new CD or piece of makeup, a favourite home-cooked meal, or some chocolate.

Goal Setting Examples & Strategies - Why Goal Setting Is The Secret To Recovery
Goal setting examples & strategies – Realistic goal setting is the secret to recovery

Set these goals in motion and keep on going. Having something to aim for, including lots of little things and not just the big goals in life, is the key to recovery.

Take good care of yourself!
so long Klaudia


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Molly Stevens
Molly Stevens
7 years ago

Goals definitely need to be specific and measurable to have any chance of success. I see this all the time in the people I work with. If they can’t set a specific, measurable goal they are kidding themselves about the change they want to make or so ambivalent about it they are not ready for change.