Prevent Car Break Ins
How To Make Your Car Less Appealing To Thieves In 3 Simple Steps
We have spoken about how to secure your home recently, but how’s about your car? Your car is one of the most expensive items you own, so keeping it safe should be a top priority. But unfortunately, many car owners fail to give their cars the care and protection they require. This makes them an attractive and easy target for thieves who can profit from stealing and selling your car.
Having your car stolen is not only inconvenient but could also leave you stranded and in a vulnerable position. If you aren’t covered for theft, it can also cost you a fortune to get a replacement car too. So to protect your car from theft and to make it look less appealing to thieves, follow these three simple steps.

1. Keep Your Belongings Out of Sight
As well as targeting the vehicle itself, car thieves will also look for valuable contents. This might include compact CD players, car GPS devices, and smartphones. If they don’t have time to steal the car itself, a quick smash of the window could make your belongings vulnerable. So if you leave your handbag or possessions in full view, the first thing you need to do is to get out of this habit. Whenever you leave your car, even if it’s only briefly, check to see what is on display. Lock items in the boot of your car or stash them under the seat where they cannot be seen.

2. Add More Security
Even though your car might have an extensive security system, this sadly won’t always put off thieves. Some car thieves use specialist equipment and tools to gain access and override your security features. However, the most security you have, the less likely this will occur. Visit a trustworthy mechanic and ask for their advice on the additional security you can add. Alternatively, you can use specialist sites like Viper who provide car security packages. This can make you feel more comfortable about leaving your car unattended as well as making it less attractive to steal.

3. Use a Camera
Having an outdoor security camera system is one of the most effective deterrents you can use. Thieves will always check out the exterior of a home before they attempt to steal a car. This is often to make sure their presence cannot be detected to the homeowners. If your home has a camera, that could identify them, they will be less likely to target your vehicle. Take a look at special deals from Security Camera King and other camera suppliers to find the best option for your home. Install your camera in a prominent place where it can be seen and position it so it looks over your driveway. A motion sensor light is another addition you might want to make to your home’s exterior too. This can alert you of any movement around your car and makes it harder for thieves to hide.

Each of these steps is easily achievable and can be completed in no time at all. So there is no excuse not to give your car the protection it needs.
Make these changes today and keep your car safe at all times.
Klaudia xx
There have been car break ins in our area recently. Our cars were unlocked ( stupid, I know, in a lighted driveway) but fortunately not much of value was in them. I learned my lesson!