And The Blogger Recognition Award Goes To… My 15 Nominees

And the Blogger Recognition Award Goes to…

And The Blogger Recognition Award Goes To

 I am feeling very honoured to be nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award

Last week I received this lovely comment to a blog post, saying that I was nominated for this award by Alexandria, the girl behind, a beautiful travel & lifestyle blog where Alexandria shares her adventures to inspire us... the link above will get you straight to her travel clouds.

Although this is not my first nomination, it feels always pretty good to get attention and some TLC from blogging buddies. And it’s nice to get the chance to give some love back to them.

Thank you ever so much for nominating me, Alexandria!

And The Blogger Recognition Award Goes To

But, before I get to my 15 fav blogs I need to give a little sidekick and a shout out to Heidi Williams and to a friendship, that would not exist without blogging, yet goes far beyond. Heidi’s style of writing is simply amazing, she knows a lot about life’s stuff and dares to call things by name. Whether it’s saucy relationship issues, natural health or beauty tips, how and where to save money on… ask Heidi! 

She hates being nominated and of course, I will respect that! So, unrivalled and uncommitted, here’s your recognition for being my BB in Blogolandia and my prime partner in crime, Heidi Anne 🙂

#blogs  #bossbabe  #thebosslady

And The Blogger Recognition Award Goes To

And here are the 15 blogs I nominate for the Blogger Recognition Award. Each one has got something unique, outstanding and admirable but still more remarkable are the amazing people pulling the strings behind the screen. Please have a peek at the nominated websites and don’t forget to share generously, it’s your clicks that keep us alive!

And The Blogger Recognition Award Goes To
And the Blogger Recognition Award goes to… 

~all images are public FB profile pictures, your consent assumed – if you’re uncomfortable with that please let me know, thank you~ 

1. Ralf  Scheffler
  • First I would like to nominate my brother, Ralf, without whose help I would not be blogging, leave alone nominating anybody, today. Ralf has helped me to get Klaudia’s Corner up and going. Whenever I am close to nervous breakdowns due to the mysteries of WP plugins and settings, when things go full throttle the way I do not want them to go … then it is him, telling me to log off and calm down and he’ll let me know when things are sorted. Thank you, big brother! You can find Ralf here:
2.  Linda Hobden 
  • Boots, shoes and fashion. I love Linda! I must admit, most of the people Linda interviews or writes about I don’t even know, but that does not diminish the fun of visiting Linda’s website. She’s got a brilliant taste when it comes to shoes and fashion, well, you could guess that I guess. But most of all, she’s an awfully nice person, always ready to help and support others. That deserves an award!!
3.  Jodie Filogomo
  • That is easily explained, because I love my mom; because she taught me sewing and knitting; because I love decorating and playing around with things and because I would love love love to blog together with my mommy, she is 83 and pretty fit in her upper bits, but blogging would go too far, the fact that there are about 3000 flight miles between us won’t make it any easier. I love visiting your blog, Jodie, not just for your nice ideas but the time you are spending together is priceless, reminds me of home!

4.  Christina Amore
  • I nominate because Christina is an Original Bunker Punk Member 😉 because she’s got an amazing sense of humour;  because of how she cares about others; because Christina is a great team player in this huge blogo-league, if not even a coach.  Meet the bunker punker here:
5.  Gary Mathews
  • Pah, the skipah  🙂 Gary’s one from the first hours, one that doesn’t take himself too seriously, a Cincinnati Reds fan, and the biggest Katy Perry homer you will ever meet, so he says. Gary’s a machine, the unstoppable Forest Gump of Bloglandia, hard to follow but always worth the run. Looking forward to seeing the upcoming wedding post and photos @
6. Debbie Harris
  • WonderWomanDebs at Deb’s world –  a wife; mother; daughter; a sister; friend; blogger; reader; runner; walker; cyclist; Rail Trail enthusiast; traveller; Rotarian; Whovian; teacher … called a hummingbird on speed… according to her ‘about page’. She forgot to mention that she’s  a wonderful writer and very skilled photographer, too. Her posts are never boring as you can see for yourself:
7.  Monica Romero Matthews
  • Monica is a former teacher and mother of 3 sons. Although I don’t know much about scholarships and college systems abroad, I nominate Monica because of her blogging skills and the effort she puts into it. Check also out her YouTube channel, she’s good in making videos. Monica is one of the most helpful ladies I met during my few blogging years, always a great team player! 
8. Carol Cassara 
  • Heart, mind and soul – that’s Carol. Her world overflows with bright colours, laughter and variety, and so does her brain. All that stuff has to go somewhere – and is where. She’s a traveller, a dog mum and a truly outstanding writer. Carol says that painting her life in every colour of the rainbow- and more – is her goal, and I think she is doing a great job in achieving her goals! Thanks for your often quite touching, yet always also very inspiring articles, Carol!
9. Rosemond Perdue – Cranner
  • From the very beginning, when I first saw one of Rosie’s videos on her FB page, I loved that woman! Her sense of humour must be enormous! She was moving home and created such a funny video about the mess and chaos in the house, so I HAD to dive into her blog and see who that ‘divorce blogger’ is on about… She’s got a lot more to offer than just divorce and relationships… Rosie’s humour is priceless, you must see her clips! I never visited and left disappointed. 
10. Anna Rosenblum Palmer 
  • Anna, oh Anna 🙂  Anna writes …. about her diet  (it sucks and she fails), depression (just another fun fact of her life), cat pee (omnipresent), her parenting philosophy (she tries to keep them alive and shows them how to keep themselves alive) in her own words. But she also writes for parenting and mental health websites such as, Ravishly, Good Men Project, Crazy Good Parenting, Sammiches and Psych Meds, Great Moments in Parenting, and Babble. Anna writes, and thank the Lord she does! You find Anna:
11. Divya Budhraja
  • I nominate Divya because it’s her birthday…..(joking) I nominate Divya because she runs an awesome blog called Divya is a full-time special education teacher, a part-time lifestyle blogger, and a self-proclaimed fro-yo connoisseur living in Harrogate, Tennessee. In 2012 (when Eat Teach Blog was born), she moved to Northern California to kick off her teaching career. She got married in May of 2016 and two months later, they moved across the country to rural Tennessee so her husband, Ankur, could start medical school. Divya writes about her adventures in food, fitness, education and everything in between.
12. Aish Das-Padihari
  • My Yellow Apron … my favourite food blog! But Aish does not solely blog about food, she covers cooking, travel, kids, coffee, clothes … you absolutely must visit Aish’s blog and see the stunning images she creates! Go to the menu and open the alcoholic beverages category … she had me at Stirred Mango Margarita & Strawberry Mojito 😉 Part from being a very talented chef and blogger, Aish is one of the nicest persons you will come across in the blogosphere. Meet Aish here:
13. Fabiola Rodriguez Licona 
  • Àndale, àndale …let’s hop over to Mexico and meet Fabiola, a Mexican mom, wife, blogger, ESL teacher and translator. Fabiola really cares about her blogging colleagues, she runs this FB group where we can share our articles and connect with fellow bloggers, a Pinterest group board, a Google plus group … Fabi writes a lot about weight loss and healthy eating, she knows the most invaluable tips on how to exercise right. I don’t know if I like her wonderfabi. blog or her myheartofmexico. blog better, they are certainly both worth a visit!
14. Lucy Gaskin
  • Once Lucy… now the Silly Mummy, that’s the creative lady behind  Lucy is ….. mmh…  Lucy is Lucy 😉 a mother of two little girls and a very intellectually formed free spirit with an excellent sharp sense of humour. Lucy writes a lot about her toddler’s adventures and the funny stuff they come up with, parenting tips and life’s stuff in general. Whenever you’ve got a problem and you ask for help, Lucy’s there! Lucy deserves an award!
15.   Jennifer Rochette Koshak
  • Jennifer, the post 50 boomer has started her blog  about 4 years ago. She is a Yoga teacher who feels that laughter is a necessity of life and (thank the almighty one)she shares a lot of laughter with us. She is allergic to cats, that for she’s got only two 😉 No wonder that she is such a happy nature, her husband is a chef and a chocolatier!

Here’s What You Need to Do Now:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated and provide the link to the post you created.

My Advice for New Bloggers:

  • No way am I telling anybody how to be a blogger … what do I know more than anybody else?! Mostly I don’t even know what I am doing myself.
  • One important thing certainly is, BE YOU! Be authentic, find your voice and your style and stick to it.
  • You can’t force things, it’ll take it’s time to get a reputation and to build up your own audience. Be prepared that you might be writing your fingers sore the first 6 months without getting much response. Don’t give up,  it’ll happen, be patient!
  • Connect and interact with fellow bloggers, blogging is no one man/woman show. Give and you shall receive! Don’t expect others to support you if you are not willing to do so for others. Nobody has been waiting for you or me, and they all can make their way without you or me, but you or me, we can’t make it without them.
And The Blogger Recognition Award Goes To...
And the Blogger Recognition Award goes to…

This is it… so far my nominations for the Blogger Recognition Award. If you are not on my list, please don’t take it personally. I could only nominate 15 blogs, although I would have known at least double that many, but I need to mention 2 truly outstanding personalities before I’m gonna let you go. What they have achieved on their weight loss journeys so far is the most impressive stuff I have read. Robin M. Plous @  and Tony Lozzi, I take a deep bow, you guys ROCK  big time. What an enormous motivation your blogs are for others deserves a special award! 

Congratulations to the nominees, you so deserve it!

Pass it on

Cheers Klaudia

And The Blogger Recognition Award Goes To

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Linda Hobden
7 years ago

Thanks for the nomination – I am truly touched by your kind words! And the other nominees are amongst my favourites too!

Fabiola Rodriguez
7 years ago

Thank you very much for the nomination, Klaudia! It means a lot coming from you because I really enjoy your blog. And also thanks for spreading the blogging love.
I know Heidi doesn’t like to accept nominations, but she rocks!

7 years ago

Thank you. I will share this far and wide.

7 years ago

Thanks so much Claudia!! I love this run down of your nominated bloggers and I’m thrilled to be included. I’ll try to do a post this week. You rock!!