Paraben Dangers In Baby Care Products Revealed

Paraben Dangers Revealed

Why are Parabens Bad in Body & Baby Care Products?

Paraben Dangers Revealed -
image “October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month” –   

    I. What are Parabens?

• Parabens are artificial chemicals frequently used in cosmetics and body care products marketed to both grownups and children, such as shampoos, conditioners, hair styling gels, nail creams, structures, facial masks, skin lotions and antiperspirants.

• Parabens can be also an ingredient in baby creams, hair shampoos and also other products for kids. Methyl and also propyl parabens are additionally permitted to use as food chemicals in little quantities.

• Parabens are potentially bad for a number of reasons. They affect us in various ways. Many products that come into contact with the skin contain parabens, which frequently creates irritation of the skin.

EWG’s Skin Deep database, which contrasts cosmetics active ingredients to over 50 global databases, indicates that parabens are connected to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity as well as skin irritation. According to the European Compensation’s Scientific Board on Consumer Products, longer chain parabens like propyl and also butylparaben and also their branched equivalents, isopropyl as well as isobutyl parabens, might interfere with the endocrine system and also cause reproductive and developmental disorders.


   II. Paraben Dangers & Skin Problems

Parabens, used as preservatives, are found in many body care products linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, common skin problems associated with parabens including dermatitis, rosacea, and other allergic reactions.

Paraben Dangers Revealed –
Paraben Dangers Revealed –

    III. Parabens in Baby Products

Parabens are anywhere. They can be located in all soaps, body creams, washes, and hair shampoos, consisting of those marketed towards infants. Parabens are neurotoxins and also are linked to reproductive toxicity, hormonal agent disruption, as well as skin irritability. Stay away from anything with ‘paraben’ in its name, as well as benzoic acid or propyl ester. Baby care products are marketed making you assume you need them, but the reality is they have lots of harmful ingredients that do more damage than any good.

Paraben Dangers Revealed
Paraben Dangers in Baby Care Products Revealed –

There is a multi-million market out there assuring to maintain your child’s skin as best as it was when he or she was firstborn. The unsurprising paradox is that none of that is needed. Your baby’s skin is much better off with very little intervention. The fewer soaps, hair shampoos, and creams that you put on your youngster’s amazing brand-new skin, the much healthier it will be.

Many baby products consist of numerous harmful ingredients that will enter your baby’s body. The most effective choice is to stick with organic as well as edible active ingredients such as natural oils (olive, sweet almond, coconut) and fragrance-free soaps. Your child may not have that stereotyped baby-powder scent, yet will be healthier in the long run, which’s all that matters.

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Paraben Dangers in Baby Care Products Revealed –

Lots of brands currently make paraben-free products for any ages. If you have a child, check the body care products used at bath time, and other items that are going to come into contact with your baby’s skin. 


     IV. Parabens and Hormones

Parabens are also said to have a negative effect on hormones. Studies have shown that parabens have the ability to imitate estrogen (oestrogen). This can disturb the body’s delicate hormonal balance and is a concern for teens, women, and men. A study conducted by ‘Dr S. Oishi’ in 2002 found that the paraben butylparaben had a negative effect on male rat’s testosterone levels. The fact that parabens can mimic estrogen (oestrogen) is also a concern for women as estrogen is said to play a part in the formation of breast cancer.

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     V. Parabens and Breast Cancer

The first and main threat associated with parabens is breast cancer. There have recently been studies investigating the link between parabens and breast cancer. A study conducted by English biologist Dr Philippa Darbre, published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology found a disturbing link between the use of paraben products and the formation of breast tumours. In her study, she tested breast tumours of twenty breast cancer patients and found the presence of parabens in all but two of them. Meaning that 90 % of breast tumours contained parabens! 


      VI. How are Parabens Regulated?

The Cosmetic Ingredient Review recommends a specific limit on the concentration of parabens in cosmetic products sold in the United States. However, the European Union’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Products is still reviewing the safety of propyl, isopropyl, butyl, and isobutyl parabens. If you want to avoid parabens, always check the product labels for paraben-free ingredients. Many leading manufacturers of baby products use alternative preservatives.

Avoid these common types of parabens:

• Ethylparaben
• Propylparaben
• Butylparaben

     VII. How to Avoid Paraben Dangers

Always read labels, as well the ones on ‘natural’ products! Look out for the ingredients butylparaben, ethylparaben, methylparaben, or propylparaben on ingredient listings on personal care products and processed food packaging.

Choose certified organic and minimally processed products & items which generally do not contain synthetic preservatives.

Keep yourself informed. There is so much information to find about parabens and paraben-free products online. One excellent source I have found is the following list of paraben-free baby products! Click here to open: list of paraben-free baby products

paraben dangers
Find more info about paraben dangers and paraben-free baby products online:

Take good care of yourself and your little bundle(s) of joy!

Paraben Dangers In Baby Care Products Revealed -
Paraben Dangers Revealed – Why are parabens bad in body-& baby care products? –

This article was published 15.10.2016 & updated 01.10.2017 

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7 years ago

wow i didn’t know that

Rhoda Fajardo
Rhoda Fajardo
8 years ago

I didn’t know that isopropyl is a branch equivalent of parabens. I often use isoproyl alcohol to cleanse my hands when they’re tired. I didn’t know that this could be cancerous. I better check the beauty and baby products I have at home to see if they’re all safe. Thanks for sharing this. =)

Roselle Carlos-Toledo
8 years ago

I wasn’t very aware about parabens. I’ve been hearing about it but I didn’t know how harmful it is. Thanks for this article I’ll be more conscious in buying products.

8 years ago

This was a really interesting read especially about parabens affecting hormones, I didn’t know that. I have to use soap free and fragrance free products, mainly organic products as I tend to get eczema. My daughter is the same too but now I will be extra careful at choosing my beauty and skincare products!

Dorothy Mae C. Torretijo
8 years ago

Omg!! This is an amazing post. Everyone mist be careful on using products especially for their babies.

8 years ago

I agree with you that we need to be discerning of the products that we use. Even those that are marketed to be safe for babies aren’t really safe. I do my best also to buy organic or natural products for our family.

subha natarajan
8 years ago

Great article….the awareness of parabens and its link to ill health effects is just picking up in India…will definitely pick this up as a topic to blog in the near future

8 years ago

Very good subject. I didn’t think of this for a long time. Even in baby products, so unbelievable. Good that you added a list of safe products without parabens.
This was very convincing, I mean, even effect on hormones, brrrr. Don’t want to think about it!