Engagement Ring Shopping Guide
Girls, We Need To Talk Rings!
Deciding to propose is a big deal for any guy, as popping the question can change a relationship forever. Although us girls can’t do much to make the proposal easier or less stressful, what we can help with is picking the ring, or at least, we can give our man some guidance on how to buy engagement rings.

Let’s be honest about it, us girls know what we want when it comes to gorgeous engagement rings. We also know that most guys need as much help as they can get, as picking the best engagement rings isn’t exactly an easy task, especially when there’s so much to consider. With that in mind, below I’ve shared some hints that are perfect for helping your boyfriend pick a ring that you’ll love.
• Teach him about your sense of style
Us girls each have our own, unique sense of style. So, when it comes to picking perfect gorgeous engagement rings, we know that our partners have their work cut out. However, if you can teach your partner about your own personal sense of style, you can help to make picking that perfect ring a little easier for them. Take him shopping with you, let him see where you shop. Show him the type of jewellery that you like. If your partner knows what type of jewellery you like, he’s more likely to succeed when it comes to picking the perfect ring. Tell him what metal colour you prefer, so that he knows whether to opt for yellow gold, white gold, or even platinum diamond engagement rings.
• Encourage him not to follow trends
There’s always new engagement rings to choose from, which is great, as lots of gorgeous engagement rings to choose from is key when finding that perfect design. However, one of the biggest mistakes that many men make when it comes to selecting a ring design is picking one just because it’s fashionable.
Many men will ask the store clerk which the most popular engagement ring designs are and then will select that one. The fact is that trends change on a regular basis, meaning that a ring that’s high fashion today could be out of fashion tomorrow. That’s why it’s so important for your partner to know how to buy engagement rings and realize that it’s always better to pick a ring that’s timeless and will still look amazing in 50 years time.

• Get him to talk to your mom/sister/best friend
To ensure that he doesn’t rush into a ring choice, encourage him to talk to your mom, sister or best friend. Perhaps you could say something like ‘I know my mom knows my jewellery tastes inside out’ – hopefully, he will get the hint. The fact is that no one knows us better than our moms, sisters, and friends, so if your man wants reassurance that he’s picked the right ring, they are the people to talk to.

Believe it or not, us girls know how much stress comes with choosing an engagement ring, and we love the fact that our partners take so much time agonizing over finding the best engagement rings. However, we are also happy to help make the process of choosing a ring a little easier by giving our partners all the right hints.
Thanks a lot for reading!
Klaudia xx
I told my now-hubby that I wanted a marquise cut in a simple setting. I’ve had it for 35+_ years, and still love it! We picked out our bands together; I wanted a plain band with a beaded edge, and he went along with it.
Aw, how beautiful, it has obviously brought you two good luck! An engagement, or also a wedding ring, is such a personal meaningful piece, how wonderful that it still means so much to you! And that you still have got it! How many have lost theirs somehow. Thanks a lot for taking the time to read and comment, I truly appreciate that!
Funny thing is, i would prefer a more creative ring that is specially designed opposed to a store bought one.
Hm, Natasha, this is a nice thing to do actually. Creating your own unique ring, I have actually done that years ago with a birthday gift for my better half 🙂 He has got a ‘one in a million’ tie pin 😉 there is only one like this one ever made. Thanks a lot for stopping by 🙂
When my cousin was looking for an engagement ring, I was out with him – looking for the right ring. But our opinions clashed big time even though he was trying his best to like the ones I was selecting.., but finally he got a good ring and now they are preggo with their first child. Yay, right?
Well said.One should open to his/her partner about his/her choice.
I was lucky; my husband’s grandmother had a beautiful diamond and his sister who was in fashion school picked out the band. My advice would be to go with something simple but don’t be afraid to go against the norm for something you love.
I’ll remember all the tips you shared in my engagement. I had know idea about it. Thanks for sharing very important tips 🙂
These are wonderful tips. Because as you said, us girls are so particular about our rings. And I can’t imagine the disappointment if the engagement ring doesn’t turn out to be to our liking.
Oh dear, yeah you are right. Getting the wrong ring must be a nightmare. A gemstone that you don’t like at all. It must be tough for the future husbands to avoid a disaster 😉 Thanks a lot for visiting!
As one that recently got engaged, I did run a few ideas by her sister and bestie for guidance. My first wife (who turned out was a whack-a-mole) insisted she picked it out. 13 years laters she is my ex-wife :).
Hahaha, Gary, all these names your ex-wife has got! Her passport must be the size of a newspaper 🙂 Congratulations on your engagement, mate !!! Lovely to hear that 🙂
I went with my brother – it IS stressful. I don’t give my husband enough credit. There’s a ton to choose from and if you do not know her style it’s completely overwhelming.
Teaching him your sense of style is a great tip. I lend the hard way to talk able about what I like.
Well for as long as I’ve known my hubs I have done all the shopping so I knew I would have to get my own engagement ring and honestly I was ok with it because I got exactly what I wanted
I hear you, Heidi! If I knew, my partner hasn’t got an excellent taste and really wants ME to be happy with it, I would rather get it myself 😉 or maybe together ?! But I really think if you are sure you want to marry that girl and probably spend the rest of your life with her, you should know her well enough to make a good choice yourself 🙂
I took my wife ring shopping to help pick it out, because I wanted her to be happy with it for the rest of her life. Some great points here!
Thank you Chris 🙂 Yeah, I would be okay wth that as well. At the end, we will wear that particular ring all our life.
There is nothing more exciting than an engagement, but you do have to live with the ring for the rest of your life, so yes, choosing the right one is a biggie.
Why not getting re-engaged and have a new ring now and again 😉 so many people are re-marrying again! How good that the choosing task is up to HIM 🙂 I could never make a decision I think.Thanks for coming over, Tania
I don’t really have a dog in this hunt since I bought my wife’s engagement ring some 15 years ago, but I do wish I had a guide like this back then. 🙂