Fall Garden Planting Guide
6 Fall Veggies to Plant Now
Are you looking for new fall garden vegetables to add to your garden rotation? Many of the options we’ve uncovered can be planted in the summer for a beautiful fall harvest. But don’t worry, because there are so many great fall garden vegetables that can also withstand the cold, so if you begin planting season later in the fall, they will still grow to their full potential and you’ll have great tasting veggies to enjoy with your meals.
Before we discuss my six favourite fall veggies, you can also find inspiration for herbs and vegetables you may want to grow by visiting myseedneeds.com. Their low-cost seed packets are perfect for those looking to grow many wonderful herbs, fruits and vegetables without spending a small fortune to buy your seeds. Let’s now take a look at six delectable fall veggies to begin planting well ahead of the autumn season.
1. Broccoli
I’ve added broccoli to the list first because the initial growing step actually begins indoors. Discover when your first frost date typically hits your part of the country, and then count backwards for 85 to 100 days and mark that date on your calendar. When the date on your calendar hits, you should actually begin planting your broccoli indoors in smaller pots. Let them grow for about three weeks and then transplant them into your garden.

Make sure they get full sun because broccoli plants love the warmth, even though they are very resilient vegetables and tolerate the cold quite well. In fact, they can even survive some of the harshest frosts around. Finally, broccoli doesn’t like extremely warm temperatures so you shouldn’t plant it in the spring or summer. If the weather is consistently above 70°, avoid planting broccoli because it will not grow to the best of its ability.
2. Cauliflower
Similar to broccoli, you should begin planting cauliflower indoors about 12 weeks prior to the first frost in your area. Keep the plants indoors and let them grow until 6 to 8 weeks before your first frost kicks in.

Cauliflower plants certainly love the sun, but they only need to get it around six hours a day. If you’re planting them during the warmer season, make sure they also get some shade from the heat as well because they’ll grow much better.
3. Bunching Onions
These onions are quite the hardy plant and they tolerate the cold well. Take the first frost date expected in your area and plant these onions eight weeks prior to that date.

You can start them indoors and transplant them if you prefer because this is the best method to let them grow, but it’s also possible to sow the seeds directly into the ground too.
4. Radishes
Radishes also make a wonderful fall vegetable because they grow quickly and you can pull them out of the ground fast too. Plant your radishes around four weeks prior to your first frost date and watch these hardly veggies grow wonderfully for you, even if it’s really cold outside because they tolerate frost quite well.

4. Leeks
Start planting your leeks inside the house roughly 8 to 12 weeks before the first frost in your area. There are many varieties, so choose one that works well in winter and fall harvests. These cold hardy plants need full sun to partial shade to reach full maturity.

5. Brussels Sprouts
Just like broccoli, Brussels sprouts need to be planted 85 to 100 days prior to the first fall frost in your area.Either sow the seeds directly or plant them indoors and transplant them afterwards. Brussels sprouts grow best when they receive full sun.
If you’re ready to begin your fall garden now, consider planting these wonderful frost resistant vegetables that grow quite well during frigid temperatures.
Cheerio, Klaudia xx