How To Get The Perfect Body You’ve Always Wanted

How to Get the Perfect Body

you’ve always wanted

Getting the body you’ve always wanted might seem impossible to you, whatever stage you’re at now. While you can’t make your body look like anybody else’s, you can definitely make your body look its best. The following secrets will help you to finally become more confident yourself and love the skin you’re in!

   Change the Way you Think

How To Get The Perfect Body

Before you attempt to change your best body, change your mind first. Your mind controls everything. The way you act, and even the world around you. If you trudge around with a negative mindset, doubting your abilities and results, you really won’t get very far.

Changing the way you think, really changing it and not just on the surface, will get you permanent results. You can do this with many techniques, from EFT to simply paying attention to your thoughts and changing them. Wellness Wildflower has some great tips for this. Once you’ve changed your outlook on the world, healthy lifestyle secrets, and even yourself, you can begin to make long-lasting changes.

   Stop Comparing

Why you should stop comparing yourself to others immediately. We are all at different stages of life, so it makes no sense to compare yourself to another. They are no better nor worse than you.Some people find looking at healthy bodies motivating, but if you feel awful whenever you look at a fit girl in a bikini you need to stop. This is about you and becoming the best version of yourself. Focus on yourself and become more confident yourself!

   Eating Right is 100% of the Battle 

How To Get The Perfect Body

Some say eating right to lose weight is 70%, maybe 80% of the battle. That isn’t true. Eating right is 100% of how to get the perfect body. You need to put 100% effort into your eating habits to get that body you dream of. No amount of exercise will rectify bad eating habits.

Eating well Monday to Friday is incredible, but you can easily ruin it all on the weekend with one too many treats and a few drinks. It might not seem like much, but you could be setting yourself back quite a bit. This doesn’t mean you can’t have treats, it just means you need to be more mindful.

   Find a Form of Exercise to Suit Your Goals 

Your exercise should suit your goals. If you want to build up areas of your body, nothing is better than weight lifting programs. If you want to improve balance, coordination and things like that, yoga is perfect. Cardio is important, but not the be all and end all.

   Read All About Good Nutrition 

Don’t just take this guides word for it. Read up as much as you can about why good nutrition is important and on how to get the perfect body. There are some amazing books out there.

Pay no mind to magazines, as many of them just contain fad diets and programs. When you learn what works in theory, put it into practice. Learn what works for your best body. So, are you ready to get the body you’ve always wanted? It might get tough, but it will so be worth it!

Don’t know what to cook? Learn how to cook and eat healthily while losing weight. Claim your free easy to follow 7-day diet plan, that’s your first week sorted!

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7 years ago

I started my new fitness program this week. I’ve got the running and weight down, but it’s conquering my diet that’s always the problem…

Tania Potter - Soul Sense Coaching
Tania Potter - Soul Sense Coaching
8 years ago

With an autoimmune disease, eating right is a critical issue for me, and one of the starting points is getting my mind right. Without that, it is mission impossible. Great post Claudia.

heidi williams
8 years ago

I completely agree with the state of mind and not beating yourself up. We should all be the best us we can be and that doesn’t always mean a perfect size six. I think it’s better to be healthy. Strong is the new skinny.