health benefits of legal cbd oil for pets
You most likely have already read my recent article about CBD oil for pets. CBD has become increasingly popular due to the United States Farm Bill of 2018. It has been around for quite a while but was largely illegal until the bill made it legal which explains why it has now become so popular. The other reason for this increased popularity is the many beneficial effects it has on the health of the body.

Before now CBD, which is the short form for cannabidiol, and its products were illegal not because of its health benefits but more because of the negative effect it can have on the body if not properly used. This is because it is gotten from the cannabis plants hemp and marijuana.
The cannabis plant contains 9- delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the substance that gives it its psychoactive effect that causes the user to get high. Fortunately, unlike marijuana, CBD from hemp has low or no traces of this substance. You can see the differences between the two plants here.
Most legal CBD oil products are gotten from hemp and not from marijuana. Besides, the United States Farm Bill stipulates that the allowable THC content limit is 0.3% which is not enough to cause a user to get high, making it safe for use.
Cannabidiol is just one out of many other compounds that can be extracted from the hemp plant but it is the most popular of the lot. It is a plant with a rich deposit of nutritional compounds like terpenes, flavonoids, omega-fatty acids, and essential oils. It is extracted from the plant’s stalks, flowers, stems, and leaves. Of all the methods used for extracting this product, CO2 extraction is the most popular and most advanced. Other methods include solvent extraction and olive oil extraction.
· different forms of cbd
CBD is available in many different forms. For humans, these include oil, capsules, creams, pills, etc. For animals, the different forms include oils, biscuits, chews, treats, etc. The CBD oil for pets is the most popular and most effective of these forms and it can either be applied topically on the skin of your animal, dropped underneath its tongue using tinctures or it can be mixed in its food.
· how cbd oil works
Cannabidiol is effective both in humans and animals because it is efficient in mammals because of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in their bodies. It can be used to treat various forms of health issues as it interacts directly with the cells in the body through receptors in the ECS. The ECS regulates bodily functions and naturally produces compounds that aid its functions.
When the body cannot do this of its own accord for any number of reasons, administering CBD oil can help as it bounds to the cannabinoid receptors and helps produce these natural substances when it interacts with the cells making the ECS functional. With this, the body is regulated to function properly and thus cleansed of all debilitating agents. You may read further on the ECS here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/endocannabinoid-system.

As a pet owner, you can either use CBD oil to treat most ailments that plague your pet or if it is healthy, you can use it to prevent any form of diseases and maintain its wellbeing. Common diseases that can be used to treat in animals include:
- Arthritis
- Pain and Inflammation
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Cancer
- Insomnia
- Stress and Anxiety
· what are its side effects?
Administering CBD oil to your pet has little to no side effects. Most pet owners who have reported a side effect are mostly new users. This is mainly because the animal is not used to taking it. Whatever is experienced is usually temporal and in a few weeks, they stop experiencing these side effects.

Another reason might be an improper use of the drug either through improper dosages, not using the right product, or using a low-quality product. This is why buying from trustworthy and reputable sources is important. They offer you high-quality products and a guideline on dosages to use.
Continue reading this and other guidelines as well as dosage calculators to help guide you on the proper dosage for your pet. Also, note that the products designed for humans are different from the ones you will use for your pets. Endeavour to buy the appropriate product and do not administer the one for humans to your pet.
· buying cbd oil
To be sure you are buying legal CBD oil and a good quality product, ensure that whatever product you buy is organic and free of any form of additives. This will ensure your pet is well taken care of. Again, do not forget to only buy from proven and reputable sources so you are sure you are buying right.
Klaudia xx
Thanks a lot for sharing, that’s highly appreciated!

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