Health And Aging – Is Your Job Aging You?

Health and Aging

Is Your Job Aging You?

Studies have shown that sitting for more than 10 hours a day will biologically make you 8 years older.  This is especially true if you’re sitting for long periods of time with little to no exercise. According to the study, the cells of those who were sedentary were biologically much older than those of people who constantly moved around.

Health And Aging - Is Your Job Aging You?
Health and Aging –
 • Are You Sitting Too Long?

According to a Northwestern University study, people older than 60, may face a higher risk of disability for every hour they spend sitting. Another more startling study released in 2012 showed that your life expectancy is reduced by 21.8 minutes after age 25, for every hour you sit watching TV.

When speaking on the phone or attending a meeting, try to do so whilst standing or moving around. Even better, park much farther away from where you want to be, so you are forced to walk there and back to your car.

 • Do You Slouch Over Your Computer?

Working in an office setting and slouching over your computer is definitely not good for you. Try sitting up while typing. According to experts, when your head, neck, shoulders and back are poorly aligned it can lead to pain.

Health And Aging - Is Your Job Aging You?
Health and Aging – Is your job aging you?

Sitting in front your computer for too many hours of the day also leads to sleep troubles. Sleep troubles not only impacts your memory but also leads to faster skin ageing. To combat this, try incorporating a variety of stretching exercises in your daily regime.

 • Do You Stare at Paperwork for Hours on End?

Sitting in front of the computer for hours on end, diminishes your focus, causing it to become blurry. If you’re experiencing this, rest assured that you’re not the only one. According to a survey conducted for the Vision Council, about 70 per cent of US adults experience symptoms of digital eye strain. With eye strain come to an increased risk of glaucoma. It also leads to a scratchy sensation, which is a symptom of dry eyes. Since the eyes are the window to the soul, people can normally see how much older you’ve gotten and how tired you are through your eyes.

 • Stress At Your Job Can Speed Up The Aging Process

Does stress you experience at work take years off your life? You bet it does. Through a study conducted in 2012, the findings are that stress at your office has an impact on sections of your DNA called telomeres.  Telomeres are small protective caps found on the ends of DNA strands, acting like the plastic tips of shoelaces. They guard against deterioration, but they get shorter with age.

Health And Aging - Is Your Job Aging You?
Health and Aging – Stress at the office has an impact on sections of your DNA

When shortened they’ve been associated with diseases such as diabetes and certain cancers. Additionally, the shortening process is exacerbated by negative lifestyle patterns like smoking and obesity. Stress also reduces brain power, which can lead to perpetual health issues, raising your risk of getting a stroke. To reduce the risk stress can have on your body, you might want to try combating the effects with a mood support supplement.  

 • Exposure to Artificial Light Harms Eyes and Skin

Office workers are constantly exposed to harmful ultraviolet and blue light from lamps. This constant exposure leads to fatigue and stress, as well as, high blood pressure and other health issues. A study done at Stony Brook University has shown that CFL (compact fluorescent lights) bulbs do damage skin cells, making skin appear older. According to experts, it’s best to avoid close contact with these bulbs and rather have them placed behind a glass cover.   

 • How Do We Combat These Effects?

Dr. Aladdin Shadyab, a study leader, advises that the best way for people who spend long hours in front of computers or are seated is to exercise. He found that women who exercised for at least 30 minutes a day, countered the shortening of telomeres. However, he also advises starting the exercise pattern from a younger age continuing well into your 80’s.

The National United Kingdom’s guidelines advise that adults should have at least two and a half hours of moderately-intense exercise or one hour and fifteen minutes of vigorously intense exercise each week. Make it a point to reduce hours spent seated in the office, by taking short breaks to walk around.

Take good care of yourself,

Klaudia xx
Health And Aging - Is Your Job Aging You?
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6 years ago

This was really helpful! I work from home and I stay many hours in front of my computer. Need to take things seriously and take care of my health issues caused by my work.
Helene // Beautiful Is My Attire