How to Grow Your Hair
Faster And Longer

Whether you are after Rapunzel style long hair or just want to improve the look of your hair as it is, there are steps that we can take to improve it. Our hair can get damaged and weak over time, so giving it a boost helps to strengthen it and help it to grow. So try some of the following tips on how to grow your hair faster and longer:
1. Trim Your Hair Regularly
As much as it might seem counterproductive when you want to grow your hair longer, there are many benefits to having a regular trim. It can help to get rid of the dead and split ends, that can damage our hair. If it isn’t trimmed regularly, hair can break off when being brushed or straightened, for example. And then you’ll have big chunks missing from it. You can’t grow your hair easily when it is weak. So as soon as you spot some split ends, book in for a small trim. It can be the smallest amount off, but it will make a massive difference.

2. Limit Heat
We all use heat to dry our hair and to curl or straighten it. But too much heat can cause a lot of damage. Heat dries out hair and can cause split ends. So try to use heat on your hair as sparingly as possible. Try to have a day or two a week where you don’t use heat. The condition of your hair will be so much nicer when you do that. When you do use heat on your hair, make sure that you use a heat protector.

3. Consider a Treatment
If you are finding that your hair is just so thin and it doesn’t grow well, then you could consider something like an affordable hair transplant. This could especially be the case if you have any bald patches or are starting to lose your hair. You can use hair from your head that you have more of. Then it gets transplanted to the patches where it isn’t growing. More people have this treatment than you might think. You could have a look somewhere like if you wanted to find out a little more about it.

4. Use a Natural Hair Mask
Like a facemask can help our skin, a hair mask can help our hair. So it is a good idea to regularly have a hair treatment. You can get this kind of thing done in a salon, as well as doing it yourself at home with just the ingredients that you already have in. You can make your own hair masks, out of things like egg white and coconut oil.If you need a few ideas on hair mask recipes and what to use, then this is a good article that you could look at

Avocado is another great food product that you can use as a damaged hair treatment that works wonders on your hair. Have you ever tried a DIY hair mask? Please tell us in the comments about your own tips on growing gorgeous Rapunzel style long hair.
Thanks a lot for reading!
Hi.. I read your blog.. I’m so happy that thr are so many means for hair growth.. I definitely try to use less and less shampoo as I can add more and more natural or organic products.