How To Sell Your Home Quick & Max Profitable – Ensure Your Property Sells For What It’s Worth

How To Sell Your Home Quick & Profitable

Ensure Your Property Sells For What It’s Worth!

There comes a time in our lives where we decide it’s time to start a life somewhere new. If you own where you’re living right now, then you will need to sell up. This can be a very stressful time for some people and it’s not always a speedy process.But there are many things that can be done to ensure the best property sale deal and a smoother sailing experience. Your main concern is to make your home as appealing as possible to potential buyers. You want to create the dream, and remember that even the little things can go a long way.

15 Tips – How to Sell your Home Quick & Max Profitable 

1.  Leave Some Hidden Treasures

Make the deal seem too good to refuse by leaving some goodies behind. It’s to be expected to leave a sofa and a coffee table, so if you really want to stand out – then consider leaving the plasma tv or your top of the range kitchen appliances. This will give a buyer an offer that would be stupid to refuse because deals like this don’t come around often.

How To Sell Your Home Quick & Profitable
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable –
2.  Don’t Forget the Garden

It’s very easy to let your garden get overgrown, but if you take the time out to maintain it, you will definitely win some brownie points. People like to imagine themselves out in the yard, sunbathing in the summer, throwing BBQs with all the friends and family over. So the better you make the garden look, the easier all that will be to imagine.

3.  Make it Smell Good

It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised by the number of properties for sale that don’t quite smell right – this doesn’t necessarily mean bad, but just not nice, and this can be a huge turn off for people (understandably!) So go that extra length to ensure a wonderful smelling home. Clear out the drains properly. Don’t just take out your trash – wash out the bins too. Air out your house by opening the windows to get rid of any muggy or cooking smells. If you were a smoker, get rid of all traces, this means cleaning your furniture too. 

How To Sell Your Home Quick & Profitable
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable – 

Now you’ve gotten rid of the bad smells; it’s time to make some good ones. Think about what kind of things your nose is grateful for, like the smell of freshly baked bread, or chocolate brownies, or maybe even just a fresh brew of coffee. It may seem over eager, but their subconscious will pick up on it and be in absolute heaven. Tricks like that can highly influence a decision, without people even realizing it.

4.   Get your Neighbours Involved

This works in everyone’s favour. Your neighbours essentially get the opportunity to have a say in who moves in next door. Your buyers will get to see who they may end up living next to, and you benefit from your neighbours putting in the good word.

15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable –

When you have your open house, get your best neighbours to come round. The buyers will get to learn about how great the area is and why, without you having to try and sell them the idea. Your neighbours may even pick up some useful information about the potential buyers that you didn’t already know. – Maybe they plan on getting a dog – which would be the perfect chance to mention the lovely park down the road, which you may not have thought of bringing up before. Get it?  😉

5.  Place Online Adverts with Pictures

When advertising online, you will get much more interest if you have photos showing off what you’re selling. This is because people like to have an idea, before having to drive up to an unknown location. It’s a good idea to have at least six pictures of your home, showing every different room on offer.

15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable - 
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable – 

You may have a gorgeous home up for sale, but if you don’t include any images, people will assume there is a problem that you’re trying to hide. So be compelling and show off what you’ve got.

6. Make a Video

Videos are also a great way to get some attention, especially because not everyone does that. That’s the advantages of social media nowadays, people make up videos and upload them onto things like YouTube and Instagram is easy to do and could work in your favour. All you need to do is make a simple walkthrough video of your house, as well as the garden (if you have one) and the outside of your house.

15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable –

Bonus points if you include the neighbourhood too! Talk people through what they’re seeing and what you loved when it was your own home. For example, if you have a fireplace, talk about how nice it is to curl up as a family in the winter time with a mug of hot chocolate. Things like this will help others visualise really living there.

7.  The Advantages of Social Media

What better way to spread the word around about your property for sale than social media? This is how we reach out to a larger number of people, without barely lifting a finger. Post your ad, and ask your friends and family to share it. Let’s say you have 300 friends, and just 1 of them shares your ad with their own 300 friends – think of how many views you will get, and that’s only from 1 person sharing, so imagine 50!

8.  Get Rid of your Clutter

Nobody wants to see random bits and bobs scattered around the place – it’s not a good look in general, let alone when you want to sell the place. Throw away what you don’t need, give away what you can, and if you have anything of value – sell it! We could all use some extra bucks.

15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable –
9.  Get the Minor Things Sorted

Wobbly door handles, creaky floorboards and that stubborn carpet stain – get them dealt with before any listing commences. Sure, they’re only minor things, and they shouldn’t cost much, or take long to sort out, but by doing them before you start advertising, your house will seem even closer to the word perfect, than if there were things that needed to be repaired. You want everything to look, and function as well as it possibly can for when people start viewing.

10.  Focus on the Exterior too

Making sure the inside of your house is a given, but the outside is just as important. If your bricks or slabs need repairing on the house – get them sorted out. You can get info from Foundation Repair Pros about all the different services they offer, in order to make sure the exterior is standing strong, without any faults, cracks or missing pieces. Consider a new lick of paint too – it’ll give the impression of a cleaner, newer looking home.

15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable –
11.  Make it Available

You will want to make your property as vacant as possible. If you only allow it to be shown between a specific time frame, you may miss out on a lot of interest. So the more available you make the place, the more chance you have of selling it.

12.  Listen to your Agent

If you have a real estate agent with a brilliant track record of selling properties (especially ones within your area), then you should listen to their advice. As long as you find someone you really trust in, then you should be in safe hands, and if something doesn’t feel quite right, bring it up for discussion.

15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable –
13.  Be Realistic – Check your Property Value

Buyers are aware that they are in the driver’s seat, so pricing your home for sale right is very important. You want to do all you can in order to give the impression of an unmissable deal, while you get what you deserve in the process. This can be done by research, so first check your property value! Look into houses similar to your own that have been up for sale within the last month or so. If you can sell your home for 10-15% below the other properties, you will be at the top of all competition. Plus it may be such a good catch that there ends up being a bidding war between buyers – which is awesome for you.

15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable
15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable –
14.  Check out the Competition

Work closely with your agent and learn as much about the other competition as you can. If that means attending open houses in your area – so be it. This is actually a great way to see what your property is up against. Remember that the people that come to view your house will most likely be seeing the others too. So by seeing what they have on offer will give you the upper hand. Anything they can do, you can do better, right?

15.  De-Personalise, but Keep it Personal

You don’t want potential buyers walking into a property that is quite obviously someone else’s. They won’t be able to make a connection with it at all.

15 tips on how to sell your home quick & profitable

Having said that, you don’t want it to feel cold and empty in there either, so it’s all about getting the right balance. Take down photos of you and your family and replace them with artwork. This way it still feels warm, but it won’t be centered around your life – meaning the buyers can imagine it as their own instead.

I hope these tips were helpful for you. Please, feel free to leave a reply if you have got any more tips on how to sell your home quick and get what it’s really worth!

Thank you so much for visiting!

so long Klaudia

...and the one to go on Pinterest

How To Sell Your Home Quick & Profitable

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7 years ago

Your point about focusing on the exterior is a great one, too many of my clients don’t pay enough attention to the all-important first impression when potential buyers come to view the property.

7 years ago

These are all awesome ideas! I shared this with my sister as she’s currently trying to sell her place in DC!

7 years ago

Yep we should be realistic because the buyer is known the he knows the market price

7 years ago

14. Check out the Competition wasn’t something that I considered in the past. This is a great point! Will do.

Shakirah Iman
7 years ago

Being realstic is a big one. I have seen so many people that are not realistic about what they have.

7 years ago

These are such great tips! I’m not a homeowner yet, but I’ll be keeping this guide in mind.

7 years ago

Wow, some great tips and I’ll be sure to pass it on to people I know who own property. I don’t personally since we move around so much.

Saurabh tiwari
7 years ago

Thanks for giving information. This will help to sell house fast and also they are not charging anything for that.

7 years ago

I’ve pinned this. Definitely needed these tips as I’m in the process of selling my condo.

7 years ago

We are currently helping my mum to sell her house, so these tips come at the right time! You have a few very valuable points we didn’t think of. TY!