The Best Essential Oils
to improve your sexual health & libido
Sexual health can only thrive when other aspects of the mind, body, and spirit are in balance. When there are struggles with stressors, episodes of illness, hormonal imbalance symptoms, potential conditions affecting the libido, or relationship problems, not only does sexual health suffer, but there are physical and mental repercussions. Dysfunction that undermines overall wellness needs tending to immediately. A common remedy for bringing a person back to center was the use of essential oils throughout history. But what are actually the best essential oils to spice up your sex life?
You can read more here on the benefits relating to sexual health. Many of these substances have the ability to relax the user, revitalize, cleanse the aura and provide a sense of healing working from the inside.
How to use essential oils to put you back on the right sexual path
It’s essential to understand when you suffer from an unhealthy sexual path; underlying issues are leading you there. Until the roots heal, it will be challenging to regain that lost energy. Sexual desire and arousal come from a place of deep contentment, peace, clarity, not to mention love, excitement, and stimulation, if you’ve become consumed physically, mentally, spiritually, there’s no space for the all-important libido.
In order to achieve a sense of renewed energy and bring a calming influence into your life, thereby enhancing a healthy sex life, a standard recommendation is essential oils. For guidance on oils that provide the greatest advantages for issues related to libido issues check out this site:
Essential oils, in general, offer many therapeutic properties that are used by practitioners in holistic healthcare programs to relieve symptoms associated with a variety of conditions, including mood disorders, stress, anxieties, and so many more. The effects of these conditions can be detrimental to a libido. The oils not only have the potential for success in alleviating the underlying problems, but they act in the capacity of natural aphrodisiacs, improving blood flow, and stimulating sex drive.
Whether you diffuse the substances into the air or apply them on the wrists, the results will be the same. A few of those more commonly used for people who want to enhance their sexuality include:
- Patchouli – The oil notes as being a traditional herb oil used for its benefits in relieving anxiety symptoms and offering the capacity to present you in a much more ‘potent’ light, in turn, stimulating desire. The product claims to create a serene environment ideal for intimate encounters and reacts with the sensual organs.
- Jasmine – Women will find the substance specifically helpful in many but individually to centralize the body, mind, and spirit. It is a strong scent capable of balancing hormonal elements along with emotions and removing harsh toxins from within the body. It’s an ideal component for those practising meditation and mindfulness. The substance assists with the elevation of mood and works to energize the endocrine system. Together these improvements help enhance your sex drive while the pheromones being released draws people towards you.
- Rose – The rose is the ultimate oil for romance, but that is not it’s a mere advantage. It has the potential to improve mood and give all-around good sensual vibes allowing for the best in sexual health. These scents increase blood flow to the reproductive system as well.
- Ylang Ylang – The oil boasts of being among the most potent of aphrodisiacs compared to any available. The herb oil offers advantages for people suffering from low libido or impotence. Its focus centers on the nervous system with direct boosts given to the endocrine system.
- Clary Sage – Clary sage brings a sense of calm and balance to the overall system and specifically in issues regarding hormonal challenges or shifts. The scent itself relieves moments of distress and soothes anxieties that may be creating a hindrance to your sex drive.

As you can see with each of the oils, the main focus is not to bring a sexual experience to your front door per se. The idea with products of this sort is to remedy circumstances and present special moments that may ordinarily be out of reach due to life circumstances. Go here for solutions to common sexually-related disorders.
Sexual health can only be achieved if overall wellness is in line. With the right approach, underlying hindrances can be put to rest in favour of a more pleasant path.
Klaudia xx

Love the smell of jasmine! I didn’t realise its romantic connotations though! Nice to know
Me too, Linda, I love the smell of Jasmine.
We’ve used essential oils before it really does work.