Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas – Sprucing Up The Outside Of Your Home

Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas 

Sprucing Up The Outside Of Your Home

First impressions are a big deal! Whether you’re planning on selling your house or simply want to create a more welcoming appearance, here are some curb appeal landscaping ideas to spruce up the outside of your home so that it turns heads for all the right reasons.

Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas
Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas – Sprucing Up The Outside Of Your Home


5 Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas


1. Contemporary Front Doors

The front door is the first place people will look – so make it stand out and have a look at some contemporary front doors. Generally speaking, it’s the only place you can get away with wild colours (definitely give it a repaint if the current paint is faded or stripped).

Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas
Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas – Have a look at some contemporary front doors

Added an elaborate knocker or decorated frosted glass can also make a plain door look prettier. You can also put all manner of decorations around the door from outdoor wind chimes to ornaments. This will give it a cosier feel, making it more inviting.


2. Play With Greenery

Flowering shrubs and bushes can make your house look more in touch with nature. Even if your front door leads straight onto the pavement, there are various plants such as creepers or window planter boxes that you can add. Hanging baskets can also make for a nice feature around your front door.

Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas

Remember to keep these watered regularly – plants will liven your house façade up, but dead plants will have the opposite effect.

Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas
Hanging baskets & flowering shrubs and bushes can make for a nice feature 

3. Repair any weather damage

All houses will eventually get battered down by bad weather. Missing roof tiles can give your house a derelict feel. Look online for the highest quality roofing solutions and invest in roofing that isn’t going to wear again in a few years. Also, fix up any other storm damage. This could be anything from an uprooted shrub to broken guttering to weather-beaten paint. You may find some of this work even prevents future problems such as leaks and structural damage.


4. Front Lawn Landscape Designs 

If you’re lucky enough to have a front lawn, turn it into a feature. You could transform it into a driveway, create a garden path leading to your front door or even turn it into a personal allotment. Don’t let it become tired and overgrown – make it the extension of your house that it’s supposed to be.

Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas
Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas –

5. The Personal Touch

Adding a few personal touches can make your house look more lived in. This can help not just when trying to impress guests but also trying to impress potential buyers, as it shows the current residents feel comfortable there. Get creative with ornaments and signage that welcome visitors in.

Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas
Add a few personal touches & signs that welcome visitors in

If your house doesn’t already have a name, you can even personalise it by giving it one in the form of a sign on the door or gate. Obviously, some personalisation could be controversial  – such as painting the entire front of your house pink – so be wary of this if you plan to sell your home.

Curb Appeal Landscaping Ideas
Always be wary of how much personal touch you want to add if you plan to sell your home


Thanks a lot for reading!

so long Klaudia


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