Easy Exercises To Do At Home – Your House Can Be The Ultimate Home Gym

Easy Exercises To Do At Home

Easy Exercises To Do At Home - Your House Can Be The Ultimate Home Gym
Easy exercises to do at home – klaudiascorner.net

Your House Can Be The Ultimate Home Gym

You may be an absolute gym bunny, but if you find yourself unable to attend your regular gym sessions, then you’ll need something to do at home. Believe it or not, your house can be the ultimate home gym. With a few simple tweaks and a lot of hard work, your house is perfect as a place you can work out in peace.

There are those suffering from injuries or are unable to do heavy exercise that needs a gentler line of working out to keep muscles warm and limber. It may feel unusual to make a lighter exercise load when you’re used to hard interval training on the treadmill, but believe it or not, you can get a great core workout in with gentler movements. Check out this preferred list of gentle workouts that can still make you feel as though you’ve worked hard!

Pilates – You won’t get great core strength just doing sit-ups all day long. Pilates can help you improve your strength and flexibility without putting any undue strain on your joints, which is exactly what you need for gentle home exercise. Pilates is slow movement but it is very effective in keeping you ‘bendy’, and all you need is a great mat and some Pilates resistance bands to get you started.

Easy Exercises To Do At Home - Your House Can Be The Ultimate Home Gym

Yoga – It’s an ancient but very effective practice, yoga. You can feel the burn without feeling the pain, which is exactly what you want in a home workout. If you have space, you can have a dedicated room in the home for your yoga sessions, and you can see here are some amazing yoga studio design ideas that you can take and implement at home. There are so many DVDs and YouTube tutorials on the market that you are spoilt for choice when it comes to your home workouts.

Tai Chi – Gentle, fluid movements that can improve overall flexibility, give you control and make you feel like you’re taking your time to work your muscles. Tai Chi has also been known to ward off headaches, as you relax while you exercise.


Cycling – You don’t necessarily have to leave the house for this one, as you can invest in an exercise bike like these. Station it in front of the television and watch your favourite show as you cycle – before you know it you’ve cycled an hour without going anywhere! 

Floor work – You can buy many DVDs for working out that can see you working your core, legs, and arms without too much impact. Sit up routines, aerobic floor exercises and strength training are all great ways to work your muscles without going too overboard.

Easy Exercises To Do At Home - Your House Can Be The Ultimate Home Gym
Easy exercises to do at home – klaudiascorner.net

Working out doesn’t have to mean pounding the pavements at 5 am every day. It can mean you take your time and get toned up the way you want to at your own pace. Speed isn’t everything, so check out the list above and make some clever choices for your health.

Thanks a lot for reading!



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karan zale
6 years ago

finally got it i was looking for it all over you have complied excellent tips and exercise in the post in order to have complete exercise.However, i have this little query with yoga point what kind of yoga a adult should do without spending much time in exercise and when should it be done?

thanks in advance

Hollie Hawley
7 years ago

I often exercise at home using free videos that I find on YouTube. There is an enormous amount of them, of all sorts of varieties. I never thought of Tai Chi, though. Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll have to add it to my repertoire.