Futuristic Houses – Transform Your Home Into The House Of The Future

Futuristic Houses 

Transform Your Home Into The House Of The Future

Have you ever seen articles describing the house of the future? Then, you look at your home and wish you could fast forward time and move into a cool new place. Well, what if I told you there were ways to transform your home into the house of the future?

Futuristic Houses

That’s right, it’s possible, but only if you follow these tips:

Power It With Renewable Energy

I predict that, in a couple of decades time, every new house will be powered by renewable energy. The easiest way to do this is to build them with solar panels on the roof and on the side of the building. Then, solar energy can be harnessed to help power the home. If you want these futuristic home ideas, today, then you can have it. All you have to do is buy solar panels and install them on your roof. Granted, it won’t look as good as it might in the future.

Futuristic Houses
In a couple of decades time, futuristic houses will be powered by renewable energy

I think they’ll find a way to make solar panels part of the actual roof. However, it can still provide you with the same effect. You’ve got a futuristic home that’s supplying itself with power from the sun.

Futuristic Houses
solar panels built in systems 

Futuristic Houses Are Smart Houses! 

Make It A Smart House

These days, some properties are being developed with smart technology. This means they have built in systems that make it easier to do things. For example, the heating system is connected to a Smart meter that can be controlled by a mobile device. Or, you have lights that turn on when they sense motion or sound. Don’t worry, you don’t have to wait until the future to have these cool features in your house.

Futuristic Houses
Futuristic Houses – smart phone – smart technology – smart meter – smart home systems

There are plenty of cool, smart home systems that you can buy right now. The best thing is, you don’t have to do crazy renovation work in your home. You can buy separate items and combine them to create a smart home system. If this interests you, then you can find out more about DIY smart home systems online. There’s a lot of info out there that helps you create the perfect smart home system with just a few products. Now, your house if full of modern and revolutionary technology.

Say Goodbye To Old Locks

In the future, locks will be so different to what they are now. Using a key to open a lock seems so prehistoric. We’re already seeing different ways of approaching things. There are padlocks that open with a number combination. Some high-tech buildings have doors that open with palm or facial recognition. For me, this will soon come to the domestic scene. Instead of a front door key, we’ll use our fingerprint or palm to unlock the door.

Futuristic Houses

The technology will be so advanced that it will be seamless by then. For now, this seems like a step too far. But, you can still make your house more futuristic. What you can do is get key code door locks for your doors. So, you type in a passcode, and the door unlocks without needing a key. It’s a progression from the old-style way of opening your door and makes your house super fabulous.

Futuristic Houses
Futuristic home ideas – What you can do is get key code door locks

With these tips, you’ll have a futuristic home today. Why bother waiting around to move into futuristic houses, when you can create one right now? 

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Eric Blank
7 years ago

Given the way smart home technology is advancing, your predictions are probably spot on! Interesting article.

Alyssa Tuangco
7 years ago

Kylie Jenner has solar panels on her roof! I think those are expensive. My grandfathers sells them. The future houses will surely look different, maybe the architectural design too. For locks I prefer having the old school lock and the touch screen just to be safe haha

Miera Nadhirah Tan Abdullah
7 years ago

what an amazing idea.. I would dearly love a futuristic home with solar panels.. heck.. even some of the indigenious people in the forest has bamboo homes but with solar panels…. but people in the city do not have it… what a shame…

James Grayston
Reply to  Miera Nadhirah Tan Abdullah
7 years ago

I think like all things, solar panels will develop and what people are using to harness the sun’s energy from their roof will be very different. Isn’t Elon Musk (Tesla, Space- X) developing solar tiles- so that your whole roof captures energy?!