Green And Black Tea – All You Should Know About The Incredibly Strong Vitamin Bombs Hiding In Your Teapot

Green And Black Tea

Green And Black Teas

All About the Incredibly Strong Vitamin Bombs Hiding in Your Teapot

Teas are richer in vitamins than you ever will have thought! Vitamins in tea aren’t the flashiest topic for budding nutritional researchers. Magazine articles and news reports ramble on about L-theanine levels and ECGC content in a cup of tea, but they seldom ever mention the vitamin content of everyone’s favourite hot beverage. This is a shame because each variety of tea actually offers a completely different vitamin concentration. Getting some extra vitamins from your favourite tea blend is never a bad thing. Let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of black tea and the astonishing stories about Ashitaba tea, or would you prefer a cup of pine needle tea?

• The Vitamins in Green and Black Tea

Riboflavin is one of the most common vitamins. Bakeries are required to put extra amounts in flour. Nevertheless, it’s likely that many people still don’t get enough of this necessary vitamin. It plays a major role in regulating metabolism, and riboflavin is necessary for countless cellular processes. That’s why it’s good news that green tea can give you an extra boost in the riboflavin department. Those who are looking for another major vitamin B constitute, folate, might want to pay close attention to black tea. Each cup can add around 12 mcg of folic acid to your diet.

Green And Black Teas
Green and black teas are very rich in vitamins

Manganese is a mineral that the popular health media seems to forget about, but that doesn’t make it any less important. Both green and black tea is a respectable source of manganese. This is especially good news when you consider the fact that it’s hard to get enough of this mineral from the foods that you eat.

Black tea is a better source of potassium than once thought. If you’re drinking a quality blend of black tea, then you’ll get around 88 mg for every full serving that you drink. Potassium can help lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. It may play a role in blood pressure regulation as well which is great for the countless tea drinkers who also suffer from cardiovascular problems.

• A Word about Ashitaba Tea

Ashitaba is the highest grade of Japanese ceremonial tea according to writers from Kenko.Green, which seems to be the only Western boutique that sells this highly sought-after blend. The kanji used to spell the word in Japanese, it can be translated as tomorrow’s leaf. If a leaf from the Ashitaba Tea plant is harvested at dawn, then a new sprout generally grows in overnight. Most farmers notice new growths by the next morning. This regenerative property has long produced numerous stories about the ashitaba benefits and how the tea can regenerate diseases.

Green And Black Teas
           Ashitaba Tea  Plant                         image by sphl

Many of these stories have now turned out to be quite true. Many treatments from Japanese folk medicine are enjoying support from the scientific community today. A 20th-century botanist by the name of Koizumi Gen’ichi performed a great deal of research on the ashitaba benefits. Koizumi-Gen’ichi was fascinated by the long lifespan enjoyed by residents of the islands where this crop is cultivated. He believed there was a connection between the health of these farmers and the high levels of vitamin B12 found in cups of tea brewed from the plant’s leaves.

Green And Black Teas
Ashitaba benefits seem to be the secret to the long lifespan where it’s cultivated

When he measured the pH level of the tea, he found that micronutrients called chalconoids were abundant in the finished beverage. His findings enjoyed so much support that the term Koizumi is sometimes used to describe cultivars of the plant in his honour. Tea made from this plant features some of the highest vitamin levels of any type of tea.

• Pine Needle Tea’s Unique Benefits & Flavor

Some people might not consider pine needle tea to be a legitimate hot beverage. It’s not technically tea, but it’s still an infusion of plant material into hot water. The high concentrations and health benefits of vitamin C in a finished cup deserve a second look anyway.

When concerning the health benefits of vitamin C most nutritional experts talk solely about citrus fruit as a source of vitamin C, though there are many other sources including vegetables like potatoes. The vast majority of people never seem to get enough in their diet. A single cup of pine needle tea has more vitamin C than even the most active people need.

While some tea drinkers with allergies will sometimes recommend it as a decongestant, pine needle tea is perfect for those with any disorders based on vitamin C lack since it provides five times more of this necessary immune-boosting vitamin than a ripe lemon does! A fresh cup also includes a significant amount of vitamin A, which means that it’s best not to overindulge on this unique beverage.

• Tea Shouldn’t be Your Only Source

No one is suggesting that green and black teas should be your only source of vitamins. You should be eating a balanced diet that gives you a proper mix of vitamins and minerals every day. Getting extra micronutrients from your tea is an added bonus that shouldn’t be ignored, however, so you should feel free to enjoy that extra cup of an exotic new blend while still feeling good about it. And I’m feeling like having my cuppa right now. It’s tea o’clock here.

Green And Black Teas
Green And Black Teas – all you should know …

Are you a tea lover or more a coffee person and did you actually already know about all that? The high levels of vitamin B12, the health benefits of black tea, all these healthy minerals … to me that was truly interesting to learn.

Thanks so much for visiting,

see you soon right here

Kudos,  Klaudia


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4 years ago

[…] at, but common examples include green tea, chili peppers, and […]

7 years ago

I prefer black over green tea and herbal over black. But I am a first thing in the morning coffee drinker.

7 years ago

I love tea, I never drink coffee. My diet tends to consist of cookies and ice cream so it brings me great relief that at least I’m getting some of my daily requirements from my tea! 😉