Healthcare Glossary – A Guide To The Terms You May Need To Know

Healthcare Glossary

A Guide To The Terms You May Need To Know

Our health is the most prized possession many of us have. It makes sense to be as knowledgeable as we possibly can be about healthcare. The problem is the world of healthcare is a confusing place. From the ingredients used in formulas to treat us, to the names of departments at the hospital, the vocabulary of health care can be incredibly complex and confusing. Here are some terms you may have heard before, but not quite known what they meant…

⇒ Comedogenic

If you have acne the chances are you’ll have heard of this word. Lots of face washes and creams claim to be non-comedogenic skin care products, but what does the word actually mean?

Healthcare Glossary
Healthcare Glossary –   image

A comedo is a spot. Comedones is the plural for comedo, so it means spots. Comedones form because of a clogged pore. A pore becomes clogged when excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria. A pore itself is a tiny opening in the skin, it contains a hair follicle.

Comedones which are formed at the skin’s surface are called whiteheads. Comedones which occur at the open surface of the skin are blackheads. They get their name and colour because they are oxidised when they react with air.So non-comedogenic skin care products are those that don’t have ingredients which will cause new spots. A product which is comedogenic is one which might create new spots.

⇒ Urology

You may have come across this term at the doctor’s office when you’ve been referred to the urology doctors. Or perhaps you’ve seen a hospital department labelled Urology, but what does it actually mean?

Healthcare Glossary - A Guide To The Terms You May Need To Know
 Urology doctors diagnose UTI in women & men pic: E.M.Bradley

Urology put simple, is the branch of medicine which focuses on diseases of the male and female urinary tract system and the male reproductive organs. Urology doctors will diagnose a UTI in men and women, they are also responsible for anything to do with the male reproductive tract. Comprehensive Urology doctors may perform surgery to remove cancer or open up blockages. Most commonly a urologist will deal with UTI’s. The urinary tract is responsible for creating, storing, and removing urine from the body. The job of a urologist includes every part of this system, such as the kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

⇒ Mental Health Problems

Mental health problems have a stigma which makes their definition a little blurry to most of us. So what exactly constitutes as mental health problems?

Healthcare Glossary
Healthcare Glossary  image  Depression and Anxiety Symptoms

Mental illnesses span a huge range of conditions. They are disorders which can affect every aspect of our lives. These include our mood, thinking and behaviour. Depression and anxiety symptoms can cause a lot of stress and be particularly debilitating for sufferers. Medication and psychotherapy (talk therapy) are used to treat mental illnesses. Depression, anxiety symptoms and eating disorders are all examples of mental health problems.

Thanks a lot for reading!

Take good care of yourself





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Anna R Palmer
7 years ago

Oh. My. Gosh. I read comedogenic as Comedodging. This is NOT what you are talking about. My acne (a lifetime of physical and emotional pain) is finally under control with Spironolactone.