Home Security Guide – How to secure your home in the best possible way

Home Security Guide

How to secure your home in the best possible way


Home Security Guide
Home Security Guide –  How to secure your home

Our homes are our biggest assets. So it goes without saying that we want to keep them as secure as possible. This is the place that we relax in, sleep in, and keep all our possessions. But unfortunately, in this day and age burglary is on the rise. With people taking the opportunity to steal and cause damage to other people’s homes. So it’s best that we secure our homes as best we can, which is why I hope this helpful guide will help you up the security of your property.


# Get a dog

A dog is a great form of protection for your property. Many burglars are put off by trying to enter a home if there is evidence of a dog there. A dog will bark if they hear something unusual, and alert you if there is something to be aware of. However, if you are not at home the same defence of barking could still warn neighbours and put off anyone attempting to break in. While it is a commitment to get a dog, it is something to consider and could be a great “alarm system”  Read more about security dogs, watchdogs and guard dogs : Best Guard Dogs in the Word

Home Security Guide


# Use a residential alarm system

While a dog is a unique alarm, there is nothing that comes close to securing your home with a residential alarm system. An alarm can be activated in many different ways. You can secure it with a key fob or code, and it can be from just the doors and windows or motion. The choice is yours, and the best advice would be to look at websites like securigard.ch to see which would be the best choice of system for you.

Home Security Guide


# Have a CCTV security camera system fitted

You could take it one step further and have a cctv security camera system fitted to your home. Again you can decide how far you want to take this. You could consider a camera on the front and rear of your property. Or you could decide to have cameras fitted inside your property as well. This is a great burglar deterrent as the cameras are often evident. However, you could also add some stickers to doors and windows highlighting that you have security cameras installed. Again checking reviews out on websites like http://www.asecurelife.com/security-camera-reviews/ could be a good idea.


# Double locks

If you are not interested in fitting any system to your property but want additional security, then why not add additional locks. You could add double locks to doors and window in your property securing all access points. This could make it difficult for anyone to enter your home and keep your home secured.

Home Security Guide


# High fencing

Finally, stop anyone from entering your land and property by adding additional high-rise fencing. Making it difficult even to get close to your property could make people think twice about attempting to enter your property. Although this could be a great idea if you have quite a bit of land, it might be harder if you have a smaller property. A high rise fence could stop light getting into your home, so may only be worth considering if you have a bigger plot.

Home Security Guide
Thanks a lot for reading my short home security guide. I hope this helps you secure your home effectively.







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Tania Potter - Soul Sense Coaching
Tania Potter - Soul Sense Coaching
8 years ago

We know all about this in South Africa and yes, all of the above as well as Jennifer’s suggestion below! Neighbours can be a great help looking out for each other.

8 years ago

Another great tip is to get to know your neighbors if you live in the type of area where neighbors are nearby and not half a mile down the road. Neighbors look out for each other and know when something isn’t right. I used to live on a block where one gentleman would sit in front of his house every day (he was retired.) He’d keep an eye on two streets from his location and would talk to people as they went by. That eagle eye kept our neighborhood quite safe.