Homeowner Maintenance Checklist
~Five Do’s & Don’ts For Successful Home Maintenance Plans~
We put a lot of time, money and effort into your homes. We like them to look pretty and be comfortable to live in. Sometimes we are so busy cleaning and organizing ,we forget to keep up with the less glamorous side of things such as maintenance. If your home could do with some TLC behind the scenes, then I have some dos and don’ts for you.

It is important to scheme your home maintenance plans rather than to just ‘fight fires’ as they happen. This is because you can prevent emergencies from occurring if you keep on top of things. Having a homeowner maintenance checklist also means that you can see what has been done and what needs to be done easily. Then nothing gets missed or put off.

Split your plan into monthly, six monthly and yearly jobs and keep it in your home organization checklist. Then check it once a month to see what needs doing. It can be so satisfying to tick those jobs off knowing that you won’t have to worry about them again for ages.
# Scheduling Tasks
It’s paramount for maintenance that you get ahead. See to the item before you need to use it regularly. So if your need to check your home security, then do it before you go on holiday. Or if you need to service your boiler, it’s better to do this in late summer, rather than waiting until it snows and then realizing that it’s broken. In fact, the summer is a splendid time to see to all sorts of maintenance issues.

Bleed your radiators, fix the roof and install any new walls or windows in this season. The weather is more clement so it’s unlikely to hinder progress as much. Also, you will have everything is tip top condition before the cold weather sets in.It’s all about scheduling tasks and going step by step through your homeowner maintenance checklist.
# Boiler Service Cover
There are some things that you will not be able to fix directly, such as complete a boiler service. For this reason, it’s a good idea to get the boiler service cover with your provider. This means you pay a monthly amount and a technician with come out yearly to check that your boiler is still working fine. This can save a lot of money and stop you putting it off this job because of a lack of funds. Of course, you will find service cover as well for your heating.

# Don’t Do It All Yourself
It’s important that you don’t try to do all the maintenance jobs yourself. Some jobs will need a professional touch. Some plumbing, electrical and building jobs would not be safe or conform to legal requirements if you did it yourself. Speak to the specialist like for example Benjamin Franklin Plumbing and Lightning Bug Electric before you begin any maintenance.Please check online for services like this in your area.

# Don’t Go For The Cheapest Building Materials
For the things that you are doing yourself, try not to buy the cheapest building materials possible. You get what you pay for, as they say, so investing in the best quality that you can afford is a good investment in the future. Quality items and materials will last longer and will wear better, meaning you won’t have to replace them as often. This means less work for you on your next home maintenance plans in the future.

Review the list monthly and at the beginning of each season to keep your home in excellent working order. Keep inspection reports and immediately record problems with non-compliance with technical standards, this is important for the maintenance of every building.