How To Prepare For A Power Outage – 5 Things We Hate Most About Power Cuts

How To Prepare For A Power Outage

5 Things We Hate Most About Power Cuts

Nobody likes having a power outage, right ? Sure, they’ve been romanticised in TV programs such as Friends. They made it seem like a lot of fun like it was no big deal – like having a power outage could actually be exciting! But when we got older and experienced our own power cuts, we realised how awful they really were.

How To Prepare For A Power Outage
How To Prepare For A Power Outage –
They Are Nothing Like On Film and TV

If you’ve ever seen the aforementioned episode of Friends, or anything else that has depicted a power outage, you’ll know that they are nothing like on film and TV. There isn’t usually anybody hanging around with a guitar so a huge singalong ensues. There aren’t usually love interests, triangles, or steamy kisses. In fact, you probably won’t even be with a large group of your closest friends (which is possibly the only way it could end up being pretty fun). They are plain awful, and these TV programs today are misleading.

How To Prepare For A Power Outage
How To Prepare For A Power Outage – 5 Things We Hate Most About Power Cuts
You Never Have Enough Candles

You never have enough candles to create the amount of light you want. Nobody is that prepared. Even if you do have lots of candles, you not only have a power cut but a fire hazard on your hands.  The only other option is to stockpile a load of torches, but they can be a pain to hold, and then you need the batteries…it’s just so much hassle! The only way you can sidestep things like this is by looking into KMA home generators .

How To Prepare For A Power Outage
How To Prepare For A Power Outage – Always have candles in the house !
No TV,  No Games – You Can’t Even Read !

You’re going to miss all of your favourite TV shows. Don’t you just hate that? If there’s a good film on, forget about it. You need to let that sink in first and foremost. You can’t usually entertain yourself with games either. You need light to play a good board game, and power to play on a games console. You can’t even settle down with a good book because it’s unlikely you’ve created enough light to read without straining your eyes. It’s just an all round bore fest if you’re alone.


How To Prepare For A Power Outage
No TV, how’s about cinema?

Terrifying If You’re Alone

Speaking of being alone, how terrifying is it ? Unless you’ve got nerves of steel, chances are, you’re going to be pretty scared experiencing a power outage all alone. You’ll jump at every creak, and squeal at every strange shadow. Whether it’s a cute squirrel or the slender man looking in through your window, you’re probably going to run and hide like a child.

How To Prepare For A Power Outage


No Cooking Meals

If you had a nice meal planned, you should forget that too. No cooking meals when there’s a power outage, sorry. Only bags of chips and other cold snacks for you unless you decide to go out for a meal. But then again … how to get your hair done ? Arggh , no power …

How To Prepare For A Power Outage
No power – No cooking meals !

Do you hate power outages for the same reason as me, or do you have your own reasons for hating them? Maybe a power outage could give you a good opportunity to catch up on your meditation or something like that! But I can barely think of any upsides!

How To Prepare For A Power Outage

We had a power outage last night . My laptop ,TV and X-Box .. all shutdown , so I had to talk to my family for a few hours. They seem like really nice people.

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