Moving Home Checklist
Is A Move The Change You Need ?
- Does every day feel the same ?
- Have you got into a routine, which you’re struggling to break ?
- Do you spend all your time doing the same things with the same people ?
- Are you bored of your job ?
- Are you thinking of moving to a different state ?
- Fancy a new way of life ?
Sometimes, change brings out the best in us. If you’re stressed at work or life has become a little mundane, why not consider moving ? A change of scenery could be just what you need.

Is it time to move ?
Moving house or even living in a different country is a major upheaval. There is so much strategic planning and management involved. You need to think about where you’re going, where you’ll live, and what you’ll do with your time. If you are self-employed, it may be possible to continue working as normal. If you have a job that you love, you could transfer to another office. If you hate your job, moving is a perfect excuse to look for another role. There are times when it’s easier to move than others. If you have kids at school moving may be more of a challenge. If your kids are still very young, it’s best to act now before they start school.

If moving is an option, consider the pros and cons. If you’re bored of your job, you’re not emotionally attached to your home, and you’re craving excitement, now is a good time to move !
Where to go
If you’ve decided to up sticks, start thinking about where you want to go. Do you want to find a new home nearby? Do you want to move to a big city? Or are you thinking of moving to a different state ? There are advantages and disadvantages of moving abroad. This is a challenge, both logistically and mentally, but it’s also an exciting opportunity.

You’ll get the chance to experience a new culture, maybe learn a language and make new friends. You can also travel around and see more of the world. If you do want to move overseas, you may be worried about the stress of moving. But don’t be. You can employ a firm to move you or look into containers hire.

When you’ve reached a decision on location, you can start thinking about putting down some roots. Search online for rental properties and sign up for some free recruitment websites. Set out your CV and apply for some jobs in your desired location.Try and set aside a couple of days to go and have a look around properties and arrange interviews. The more you can sort beforehand, the better. If you plan to move long-term, you may be interested in buying a house. Register your interest with local real estate agents and have a look at properties they send via email. Buying can take time, but you could always rent until you’re able to move into your new home.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut if you do the same thing every day, or you’ve lived in the same place all your life. If you’re eager to take on new challenges, moving is a great place to start. Changing job, living in a different city or country, and forming friendships could give you a new way of life. Just do it !

Moving almost 4000 miles away from ‘home’ 16 years ago is one of the best things I have done in my life so far. Home is a feeling , not a place ! Where do you live ? Did you do the big step abroad and are you happy where you are ?
Thank you very much for reading !
Sometimes, change brings out the best in us. If you’re stressed at work or life has become a little Terrence , why not consider moving ? A change of surrounding scenery could be just what you need and sometimes change will gives us more delight.
Very true! Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to leaving a comment, I truly appreciate that! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
Growing up, we moved around quite a bit. I like where I live now but it’s not where I want to be long term. I think I really want to live on the West Coast, based on visits, so hopefully I’ll figure it out soon! Either way, I want to call “home” somewhere by the beach 🙂
As you know I have lived in 6 different states so I sort of think of myself as an expert. When I started I didn’t plan I just went and that is the biggest mistake you can make you need to do research and with sites like Craigslist you can even look at jobs ahead of time.