Quit Smoking Help Guide – 4 Effective Ways To Kick Your Smoking Habit

Quit Smoking Help Guide

4 Effective Ways To Kick Your Smoking Habit

Smoking is a bad habit that can damage your health in many ways. It affects your stress levels and increases the risk of various diseases. There are also some immediate side effects for your skin, hair, and general health. It’s easy to get addicted to smoking, but don’t fret. There are also many methods you can use to quit bad habits.

Keeping up smoking will cost you a lot of money, at the same time as being damaging your health. It’ll take some hard work and perseverance, but it can be done if you use the right methods. Here are some of the most effective ways to kick your smoking habit.

   1. Buy Nicotine Patches

Sometimes your smoking habit is a direct result of your nicotine cravings. But instead of smoking another cigarette, you can combat this with nicotine patches. You can apply these to yourself for a direct dose of nicotine to your body.

Quit Smoking Help
Quit Smoking Help Guide –  klaudiascorner.net  image source

You can buy nicotine patches in 16-hour patches for those who aren’t heavy smokers. Those who smoke more might need 24-hour patches to kick their cravings. They stick to your skin like a band-aid and give you the nicotine your body needs.

   2. Opt for Electronic Cigarettes

It can be hard to quit your nicotine habit full stop. But you can replace it. While smoking cigarettes can cause all kinds of harm to your health, there are better options. For instance, you might want to buy electronic cigarettesalso known as vaporizers. These let you smoke different e-liquid flavours, containing nicotine, glycerine, and other ingredients. They come with replaceable e-liquids. 

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Quit Smoking Help Guide klaudiascorner.net     image source 

I found out that, on a long run, vaping works out much cheaper than smoking regular cigarettes. By having something to keep you occupied, you can prevent yourself from turning back to cigarettes or grabbing ‘substitute drugs’… food. There are quite numerous online sites where you’ll find information about vaping and products.  

   3. Stop Smoking Triggers

Your need to smoke can be brought on by certain triggers. It can be anything, from a certain location to a part of your routine. These little triggers will make you want to grab a cigarette instantly. Make sure you avoid them. It’s important that you find your smoking triggers so you can prevent them. You can find advice from online resources like www.webmd.com. Once you recognize the things that are making you want to smoke, you can cut them out of your day. You’ll find yourself taking smoke breaks significantly less and reducing your habit.

   4. Find New Hobbies

Sometimes to quit bad habits is all about occupying yourself with other things. You may be smoking a lot due to your stress levels, or it may just become part of your daily routine. Instead, you should find other ways to use your time that won’t make you want to smoke. 

Exercise is the perfect activity for getting rid of a smoking habit. It’ll improve your overall health, keep you fit, and occupy your body, so you won’t think about having a cigarette. You might want to get a pair of running shoes and take up jogging. Or perhaps you want to get involved in a sport. Whichever way, focusing your time on a new hobby will help you cut out smoking fast. Let me know how you’re getting on with it. Did you succeed quitting, are you still struggling? Feel free to leave a comment, I will certainly reply very soon. Thanks a lot for your precious time.

 Good Luck!!


Quit Smoking Help Guide - 4 Effective Ways To Kick Your Smoking Habit
Quit Smoking Help Guide – 4 Effective Ways To Kick Your Smoking Habit – klaudiascorner.net©


  • art. published Jan 6th, 2017 
  • updated Nov 8th, 2017
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7 years ago

I quit last March. I smoked (secretly) for 35 years. Not a heavy smoker but daily, thus addicted. It was hard. While I don’t normally turn to pharmaceuticals, I took Zyban for 2 months. It is a mild anti-depressant so not for everyone. But I wouldn’t have been able to quit without it, it took off the edge and helped with the withdrawal symptoms. I also turned to an online support group whenever I had strong cravings and was thinking about giving in. While I still think about it (every day), I remain smokefree and am proud of it!