5 Tips To Stay Healthy During The Holiday Season

5 tips on how to stay

Healthy during the Holiday Season

With the Christmas season around the corner, lots of people are making plans for consuming humongous amounts of food and alcohol every single day, doing nothing else besides that. And while this may be their versions of a perfect holiday, it’s may not be the best idea in the world after all. Staying healthy during this season depends on a number of things, and one of them is not acting too different than how you usually act, or else you’re going to disrupt your inner balance and become sick quicker than you’ve thought. Therefore, here are five ways to stay healthy during the holiday season.

5 Tips to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season
5 tips to stay healthy during the Holiday Season – klaudiascorner.net

  1. Eat enough Veggies

Besides not consuming large quantities of food and alcohol, it’s important to focus on healthy dietary choices, one of them is eating lots of vegetables. Vegetables are full of helpful vitamins and minerals that keep us safe from lots of winter diseases. Therefore, try to include them into every meal you make, and you’ll feel stronger and more vital, as well as less susceptible to the flu and cold. You can also try out delicious winter recipes with cabbage, carrots and kale, since these are already around you, even at low temperatures.

   2. Drink enough Water

This is another simple thing that most people seem to forget, but the fact is that water is more than helpful when it comes to staying healthy during the holiday season. It gives you energy and strengthens your defence system, making it less likely for you to catch a cold. The amount of water we need to drink every single day varies from one person to another, but an average adult should drink at least eight glasses of water a day if they wish to stay healthy.

   3. Go to the Gym

Staying physically active is quite easy in the summer, and you don’t have to do much besides walking and riding your bike. In the winter, however, things are a bit more complicated, and most people have to be really creative in order to find ways to keep their health and their strength during the holiday season. One of the best ways to do so is joining a gym and working out three or four times a week. You should also explore the power of amazing post workout supplement options that are available on the market, and you definitely shouldn’t forget to cool down after a workout session before stepping out into the cold winter.

   4. Avoid Infections

Lots of people know that winter is the perfect time for spreading infections, but what they don’t know is that infections are actually surprisingly easy to avoid. All you need to do is wash your hands frequently, stay away from people with cold and flu – especially when they’re sneezing and coughing – as well as use the antibacterial gel as often as you can. 5 Tips to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season

It all comes down to small things, but these can make a huge difference in the long run, so explore these ideas and make the most of them.

   5. Minimize the Stress

We all know that Christmas is stressful, just as Easter and Thanksgiving are stressful too, and there’s nothing we can do about it. The family comes together and lots of things need to be done. From shopping to decorating the house, everyone’s under tension, and things can get heated in a matter of seconds.

That’s why you need to do whatever you can to minimize your stress during the holiday season and stay cool. There are lots of ways to do that, from avoiding people you don’t get along with to taking your mind off work-related problems, and you just have to find a method that’s working for you. Once you minimize your stress level, you’ll feel better and stronger, thus staying mentally and physically healthy all season long.

5 tips to stay healthy during the Holiday Season - klaudiascorner.net

Keeping your health intact during the Christmas season is never easy, no matter how hard you try, but it’s still not impossible. Relying on healthy food, staying away from too much alcohol, being physically active and avoiding people who are feeling under the weather are just some of the things most people do, but you can always add a few new ideas, especially if you already know what’s going to work for you.

 – author: Peter Minkoff

Have yourself a very Merry Christmas, Peter! Thank you so very much for this wonderful connection across the continents, I am looking forward to collaborating in 2019. It’s always a pleasure having you guest-writing for Klaudia’s little community! Kudos xx 

…to all of you, thanks for following me through the year(s)!

Klaudia xx

 Peter Minkoff is a fashion stylist and a writer located in Brisbane, Australia. After graduating from Australian Institute of Creative Design, he worked as a trend forecaster and a stylist for few fashion events in Brisbane. Besides fashion, he loves reading, cooking exotic meals and travelling around tropical destinations. His future plans are in creating his personal fashion business for style advice. Find Peter here


How to stay healthy during the Holiday Season - klaudiascorner.net
5 tips on how to stay healthy during the Holiday Season – image © klaudiascorner.net






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