The Art of Vape
Art, in general, is the result of human creativity, skills and imagination. Some are amazing musicians, writer, photographer, paintbrusher… others create mindblowing vape clouds and shapes. Tricks and illusions created with smoke have been around since smoking was invented. We all know smoke rings and other tricks but I bet you’ve never seen such cool vape tricks like the ones I have found when browsing through the vape art world and community. What these guys do with air, vape and hands is just awwe-some! Battles of air benders; official cloud championships; vape tricks on TV all around the globe – the 21st century has certainly emerged a new form of art making a huge splash at the moment.
These Vape Tricks will definitely Blow your Mind!
video: YouTube
A right pioneer in the art of vape is World Champ Vape Artist Titus Edwards, the vape KingTitusiii. Titus Edwards is an American Vaping Artist, born and raised in the city of Houston, Texas. He is popular for his “Jellyfish”, where he blows a ring of smoke and then adds curling smoke that then dissolves as a jellyfish shape. In 2016, the vape king was considered one of the best practitioners in the art of vape scene. In one of his videos, Titus creates a series of incredible smoke ‘creatures’ we usually would find floating in the oceanic depths.
video: YouTube
The Art of Vape
… performed by the incredible 21-year-old Austin Lawrence, an Instagram star with more than 1.6 million followers, is just something else. Austin creates whorls, swirls and even triangles with just a puff of breath and a wave of his hands. Austin has turned his passion into a profession, dropped computer science to run his own vape shop and start creating some of the most stunning videos on Instagram. “It’s a full-time job, Austin says, beginning with 3 to 4 hours of practising vape tricks every morning before heading out to open up the shop.”

No wonder Austin soon became popular as ‘The Vape God’ as he can puff out numerous of jellyfishes from both sides of his mouth synchronously. He easily creates triangles, ‘whooshing’ the air around a vapour ring until it just wobbles into the right shape. Canadian rapper Drake invited him to his YOLO Estate in California and posted a video of Austin Lawrence performing vape tricks on his own Instagram account for 35 million people to see. Lawrence publishes vape trick tutorials and compilations on a YouTube channel called vAustinL
video: YouTube
If you’re as impressed as I was when diving into vape clouds and smoke rings and you feel like creating cool vape tricks yourself, you will, first of all, need good box mods like this one to create really cool vape tricks.
Even the best vape pen on the market will not be strong enough to create such awesome vape clouds. Box mods are adjustable in regulating the power, the consistency of vape and can also enable double or triple battery use for more vape if cloud shaping and chasing is your thing. You’ll find various really simple tutorials on how to do the vape tricks on YouTube.
“If all the smokers in Britain stop smoking cigarettes and started smoking e-cigarette we would safe 5 million deaths in people who are alive today. It’s a massive potential public health price.”
Prof. John Britton, Chair, Tobacco Advisory Group, Royal College of Physicians
…worth a thought,
Klaudia xx
It’s enough to make me want to take up vaping – I’ve always had a secret desire to vape – maybe this it the incentive I need to start. I’m just a bit worried they’ll find out it has long term side effects like smoking…..
Leanne |
B for Believe in Yourself