Shine bright like a Diamond
Memorial diamonds created from the ashes of your loved ones
Shine bright like a diamond, what a lovely thought, wouldn’t you want to become a unique diamond in your afterlife? The idea of being a shiny diamond one fine day soothes the horror vision of ending up in a black cold hole in the ground somewhere. Shining bright like Lifegem Memorial Diamonds!

We shall find peace. We shall hear angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds Anyon Chekov
Coping with the loss of your partner, a close friend or family member may be one of the hardest challenges that many of us face. Everyone reacts differently to death and employs personal coping mechanisms for grief. If you get to experience the sudden unexpected death of a beloved one, it makes you feel like you’ll never get over it, you’ll never be the same person again, all you feel is pain and emptiness. It tears your heart to pieces, it makes you feel like losing the ground under your feet; you wanna die yourself because this intense feeling of even physical pain seems to be unbearable.
As soon as you start to realise and really understand that you will never see your beloved one again, you will never get the chance to talk to him or her again, you will never again laugh together, you will never again receive a phone call. There will be nothing left but sweet painful memories after the funeral ceremony is over. Gone … forever … nothing’s left. Losing a loved one can be a very traumatic time.
A Swiss company wants to change the way people mourn by transforming the remains of their loved ones into gems … LifeGem Memorial Diamonds. If you desire an everlasting connection to the one you have lost, the memorial diamond will be the symbol that reminds you forever of all moments of love, happiness and emotions you have shared together. You will have your loved one with you and in your life at all times.

Shine bright like diamond ~ find light in the beautiful sea … we are like diamonds in the sky …Rihanna
” It is actually more than a diamond. Maybe ‘soul’ is too strong of a word ” Rinaldo Willy from Algordanza Memorial Diamonds located just outside of Chicago ) stated, still struggling to define the essence of his product. “Our process is purely physical – but if the deceased had blue eyes, and the diamond turns out blue, you can be sure that the family will say ‘Oh, it’s exactly the colour of his eyes’
Lifegem Diamonds made from the ashes of our loved ones … a precious memorial to their unique and wonderful life, a memorial that lasts and lives with you forever! You can order your very own unique gem, whether you’d prefer a ring, a necklace or earrings. Find more information about the procedure and a vague idea about prices here: LifeGem.
Prices depend on the size of the diamonds of course, but it is not much more expensive than a usual dignified funeral ceremony. If you think, this could be for you, do research online under Memorial Diamonds, although LifeGem Switzerland was the first to offer this, now there are various companies creating memorial diamonds from your beloved one’s ashes.

Memorial diamonds are diamonds created from hair or cremated remains. Typically, these are diamonds created in a laboratory, often referred to as ‘synthetic diamonds’, ‘cultured diamonds’ or ‘laboratory-grown diamonds’ Some memorial diamonds are graded by gemological laboratories, such as Gemological Institute of America (US) or Birmingham Assay Office (United Kingdom).
I heard about this possibility 6 years ago, when we were going through the worst days of our life, forced to bear the pain of losing a very dear young family member through an accident. I loved this idea of having something, that will last forever and will be with you every moment of your life, so much, that I have made arrangements for my own. The idea of being a shiny diamond one fine day soothes the horror vision of ending up in a black cold hole in the ground somewhere.
Klaudia xx

You know, I had a similar idea once, but this is definitely a healthier alternative (I wanted a cremation and my ashes placed inside a glass vial, sealed, then worn as a necklace hahahaha.) This is more elegant and holds more value, not because it’s a diamond or a gem but because it’s a diamond unique to your loved one’s own “matter”. This is a beautiful way to honor a loved one. I’d want to become one of these myself.
What will they think of next? I have heard of this years ago when it was being proposed and did not think too much about it, and now it is a reality. Honestly, no matter how one feels about this, it is a choice, still. It had seemed weird but I can now see from the perspective of those who lost loved ones and if they have the money, to have diamond crafted from ashes.
What a unique way to feel the presence of your lost one. !!! I am a lil skeptic though. I think most people won’t opt for this. I guess. But if it were for me. I absolutely loved the concept.
Wow! There is really such a thing as “Memorial Diamond”? The idea is very unique. I’m just not sure if I would want the ashes of my deceased loved one be in a something like a diamond or in some form of an accessory to be worn.
This is such a lovely idea, creating a piece to treasure forever! I lost my grandad a few years ago and this would’ve been a nice tribute to him to give to my nan as he always showered her with gifts of fine jewellery. I’ve heard of people becoming trees after their death which is equally cool and it’s something I’d like to happen to me!
Amazing concept. Love the idea of making your precious loved one into diamond, plus if you’re wearing them on a necklace or ring they’ll always be by your side. I saw you can become a tree after death which is what i want to do, but if i change my mind that will be this, of course. How cool is becoming a diamond after death?
This is so lovely!! I can’t believe I’m only hearing about it now. It’s a cool idea, at least you have a piece of that someone with you on a daily basis 🙂
Some would say this is morbid but I think this is really cool. I’ve always wanted to be cremated when I pass away but this would be even better than have your ashes sitting on an urn. At least they get to carry you around everywhere in this form. Hehe
That is so cool, the creating something beautiful from something tragic. I haven’t lost someone close to me but I would imagine that is amazing to have such a beautiful keepsake.