Blogging is Money Come Easy
(…no blogger ever said!)
Don’t forget the behind-the-scenes of your blog!
A lot of people look at the career of a blogger and assume that it’s incredibly easy. They assume that all you need to do is write a few hundred words a day on something that you like and your job is done! And sure, that certainly is an aspect of running a successful blog. However, what a lot of people tend to ignore is the sheer amount of complex and difficult work that goes on behind the scenes in order to make any blog as much of a success as possible.
If to you the reason for blogging is money and you want your blog to turn into a genuine career option, then you need to start thinking about those kinds of things. With that in mind, here are some of the behind-the-scenes elements that keep your blog functioning properly.
• Develop Good Communication Skills
The reality is that the vast majority of your blog will be made up of the stuff that people are reading. However, it’s not just the content of your blog that matters but the way that you express and communicate that content to your readers.

You might think that all you have to do is write about things that you like and let your passion shine through. That will not do the trick if you’re not able to communicate your writing in as dynamic and interesting way possible. Writing is a skill like anything else, and it’s one that needs to be honed and developed with practice.
• The Nuts & Bolts You Deal With
A great blog doesn’t just spring forth, fully formed from your mind as soon as you’ve decided what to write about. You need to have a sense of things like coding and design. You will come across plenty of other things that you might never notice in the finished product. That’s only because they’re so well hidden behind the scenes of a blog.It will probably drive you insane, it will likely keep you up until early morning hours, at the end you will learn and understand. I was at the point of giving up more than once, just because of all that. Whether it’s you’ll have to learn HTML online by yourself to be able to code your blog or you’ll take Microsoft powerpoint classes to improve the way that you present ideas. You got to learn, research, learn, try and keep learning. Be prepared that the day you know it all will never come as things keep changing fastidiously constantly.
So much of the polish that goes into a truly great blog goes unnoticed by your readers. The important thing is that you don’t let those things fly under the radar as well. Just see what works how best for you, keep trying. It’s not all just mind-blowing, after all, it’s great fun, too.
• Marketing
It doesn’t matter how great your blog is or how dynamic your writing is. If no one knows that your blog exists, then ‘Blogging is Money..’ will never come true for you. You need to make sure that you understand how to promote and market your blog online as well as possible. Everything from SEO to social media is crucial in generating the largest possible audience for your content.

You might be thinking to yourself “That sounds boring. All I want is to write about things that I’m passionate about” Of course, that’s okay, do that! But then it’s probably a good idea to keep your blog as a hobby rather than a career. Making a living from your blog involves a great deal of work, and if you’re not prepared for it, you’re in for a nasty surprise. It’s still all so worth it if you are motivated and passionate about – are you?
Klaudia xx