5 reasons you should
Live a Healthy Lifestyle
while in your 20s
When you’re twenty, you think of the world and the challenging, albeit satisfying, way of making your way in it. Diseases, for example, are out of sight, and ageing remains a concept. Your whole life and plans can turn upside down when you deal with myriad issues. That’s why you should already at younger age absolutely live a healthy lifestyle.

You’ve been forewarned that your thirties and later years are reflective of your actions while you were in your twenties. While being young is about soaking up fun and life experiences, so does being mindful of one’s health. These tasks can go together and contribute to your present and your future.
· You Only Have a Decade to Enjoy the Feeling of Optimal Health.
Your youth is your tonic. It gives you a free pass for partying hard, indulging in sugary and fatty food, and not giving much thought about hitting the gym or going for a run.

Surely, you have done or will be likely to do activities that are hardly good for the body. You seem perfectly fine now, but the effects of those actions will catch up with you and let their presence known sooner or later.
· You can Reduce the Risk of Chronic Diseases.
Poor diet, along with not-so-good lifestyle choices, can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and other physical afflictions. The existence of such conditions can impair your mobility and ability to carry on your day-to-day activities. Why wait for the onset of the disease and its symptoms and complications to arrive when you can stave them off today?
· Eat right to take care of your heart. Leafy vegetables, fruits like berries and avocados, whole grains, and fish such as tuna and sardines can keep your cholesterol level low and thus decrease the risk for heart disease.
· Drink water as your lifestyle. Hydration is critical to your body’s performance of its daily functions. For reference, men are recommended to take in 3.7 liters of fluids while women need 2.7 liters.
· You can Maintain or Boost Your Muscle and Bone Health.
Exercise is one of the most natural ways to lose weight and maintain the body’s condition like a well-oiled machine. With the right level of intensity and exercises, you can control your weight to prevent obesity, a risk factor in heart disease and diabetes.

You will appreciate the stronger bones that you build through exercise. When you engage in strength training, you also develop muscles that support your joints and your weight in turn. Stronger joints can prevent injuries, which are part of doing physical activities. For workout-related injuries, you can apply athletic tape to the source of discomfort. It can help relieve the pain and heal the injured knee or elbow by also lending a hand to the muscles.
· You can Build a Stronger Mind.
How are you coping with stress from work, home, or school? You have to deal with stress and its offshoots now so they won’t escalate and snowball into something bigger. You don’t want the next decades of your life focused on anger, pain, and unresolved issues that can negatively affect your health.
With Mayo Clinic’s suggestions, try to manage your stress now by doing the following:
· Clear your plate. Trim your list of to-dos that are weighing you down, or ask someone to do them for you.
· Prepare for small contingencies. Something as simple as preparing your clothes in advance can reduce the number of things you have to worry about the next day.
· Sleep. Those eight hours in your bed can do wonders for your state of mind and increase your level of patience and tolerance.
· Huddle. Meet with your friends, or spend time with family members as a meaningful distraction from the daily grind.
· Disconnect from social media. As you connect or reconnect with your personal relationships, do the opposite with social media sites. Everyone’s picture-perfect life and some people being purveyors of toxicity are reasons to unplug for the weekend.
· You can Detox to Prolong Your Youthful Glow.
Detox comes in many ways and forms. For example, you try detoxification to eliminate toxin exposure from drugs or unwanted substances. These foreign elements can harm the body and derail your plans if you can’t pass a pre-employment drug test for a dream job. It’s also important that you know your limits when it comes to smoking, taking drugs, and drinking alcohol.
Another type focuses on internal cleansing to remove free radicals, which cause cell damage and premature ageing. Antioxidants deal with free radicals and mitigate the damage they caused, and you can get these powerful compounds from dark chocolate, berries, and beans.

Also, beauty products carry vitamin C, vitamin E, and retinol, among other antioxidants, to correct skin ageing, reduce the effect of sun damage, and restore skin elasticity.
You are clearly at an advantage here as you have years ahead of you to utilize your energy to carry out tasks that will improve the quality of your health and life, in general.
Take good care of your health,
at any age…
Klaudia xx